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Blog • 18.05.2020

Manifesto for the Reorganisation of the City after COVID-19

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By: Massimo Paolini

The following text is a repost of an open letter to the mayor of Barcelona, Ada Colau, setting out a manifesto for a reorganisation of the city in response to COVID-19. The manifesto currently has over 1600 signatures. Visit the manifesto website for more details and to add your signature: manifiesto.perspectivasanomalas.org/en The COVID19 pandemic and the experience of confinement h...

Blog • 13.05.2020

More than 1,000 experts call for Degrowth as post-COVID-19 path

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By: The open letter working group

New Roots for the Economy: academics, experts, artists, activists and organizations from around the world demand a farewell to our economy's growth dependency to avoid further crises. In the turmoil of the crisis, our everyday lives are being shaken up. We need to reinvent, adapt, organize ourselves. This is also true for the degrowth movement: this crisis has driven us to connect, debate, and...

Blog • 11.05.2020

Planning for Post-Corona: A Manifesto for the Netherlands

By: The degrowth.info international editorial team

Last month a group of academics working in the fields of development and environmental sciences in the Netherlands wrote a manifesto for post-corona recovery based on degrowth principles. This initiative gained widespread attention, pushing the degrowth agenda into (Dutch) mainstream consciousness and the traditional corridors of power. The initiative was born in conversations that various a...

Blog • 20.04.2020

Feminist degrowth reflections on COVID-19 and the politics of social reproduction

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By: Feminisms, Degrowth Alliance (FaDA)

The crises provoked by the COVID-19 pandemic have revealed for all what many have long known: the foundations of the wealth and well-being of the world rest upon the sphere of social reproduction and the labor of care. This work is performed primarily by women and, more generally, by people whose work and lives are under-valued and marginalized by sexist, racist, classist, homophobic and ableis...

Blog • 13.04.2020

Organizing the 2020 Vienna degrowth conference before and during the covid-19 crisis

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By: Nathan Barlow

No one really told us what organizing a degrowth conference would entail. We simply knew we wanted to do it. Two years of organizing, meeting, discussing and struggling have passed and now we’re less than seven weeks away from the first day of the conference. The initial motivation we all had in the summer of 2018 has not gone, but it has faltered at times. There have been days when I wo...

Blog • 10.04.2020

Growth damages the climate. We need new paths to prosperity

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By: Joël Foramitti

Technological pipe dreams and the fixation on perpetual growth have prevented effective climate policies for decades "Happiness does not pay pensions", said the Austrian chancellor Sebastian Kurz at the recent World Economic Forum in Davos. The statement aimed to criticize the idea of a “post-growth” or “degrowth” society, which has received increasing attention in light of the climate crisis....