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Blog • 06.02.2020

Why we should be wary of blaming 'overpopulation' for the climate crisis

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By: Heather Alberro

The annual World Economic Forum in Davos brought together representatives from government and business to deliberate how to solve the worsening climate and ecological crisis. The meeting came just as devastating bush fires were abating in Australia. These fires are thought to have killed up to one billion animals and generated a new wave of climate refugees. Yet, as with the COP25 climate talks...

Blog • 16.01.2020

Strategies for Cultural Change: Degrowth and the Use of Space


By: Francesca Van Daele

Degrowth addresses the negative consequences of consumerism (psychological stress, long working hours and positional competition) and discusses the benefits of frugal lifestyles. Henri Lefebvre, a French philosopher from the 20th century, argues that if ideas or values are not physically implemented in space, they become mere fantasies. As such, if degrowth wishes to prevail, it has to leave it...

Blog • 09.01.2020

The urban drivers of economic growth

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By: Federico Savini

In the 1980s, cities were defined as the ‘growth machines’ of the economy (Molotch, 1976). Today, urban economists epitomize them as economic ‘triumphs’ (Glaeser, 2011). Cities, intended as dense and mixed forms of urban living organized in agglomerations of economic activities, are presented as the solution to many of contemporary socio-ecological problems. They are viewed as the location of t...

Blog • 04.01.2020

2020: the year of the snail

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By: Constanza Hepp

We are starting 2020 full of enthusiasm for all that is to come! If you want to be involved in the degrowth movement you just need to roll up your sleeves because in this new year, there will be plenty to do. Here is a list of the activities that planned for 2020 so you can already mark them in your calendar. Crowdfunding During the first months of the year, we will be going through the fi...

Blog • 24.12.2019

9 tips for talking to your family about degrowth during the holidays

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By: Nathan Barlow

The holidays are special;  a chance to stop working, slow down and spend time with family and friends. The numerous family gatherings will likely involve discussions about the state of the world, politics, climate change, and maybe even degrowth. In case you find yourself in this scenario, we have put together this list of tips and suggestions for how to discuss degrowth with family and friends...

Blog • 19.12.2019

UN climate talks: 'in moral terms… it’s evil!'

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By: Nick Breeze

The negotiators at this year's COP25 in Madrid achieved nothing, despite warnings from many voices about the acceleration of the climate crisis. The UN climate negotiations in Madrid, COP25, have amounted to precious little. The extended talks have provided the opportunity for petrol states and developed countries to excise the red lines of developing countries from the text of the...