22 November 2023
Aim high, degrow: dialogues on degrowth
Session 1: Degrowth: a slogan, a movement or a concept?
Are you organising an event that you would like to share here? Write to us at contact@degrowth.info (at least a month in advance)!
22 November 2023
Session 1: Degrowth: a slogan, a movement or a concept?
09 – 10 November 2023
The global environmental crisis is a fact. The urgent need for sustainable solutions to stop environmental damage is more pressing and ubiquitous than ever, and it’s clear that these solutions need to consider both social and environmental justice. While in theory there is a large societal consensus that action is needed within this decade, opinions vary as to what kind of changes are needed,...
21 – 25 August 2023
Overcoming the Inequalities of Green Transition The International Summer School of Political Ecology 2023 will explore growing inequalities and address the question why concepts such as environmental justice or just transition are increasingly important in discussions on how to tackle the environmental crisis without deepening inequalities. The consequences of climate change, mass ext...
08 December 2022
We are pleased to invite you to the next session of the Municipal Degrowth network on 8 December 2022 at 5.00-6.30 pm (CET). This session explores key aspects of migration and border studies as well as activism to inform and stimulate debates on degrowth.
04 – 11 December 2022
The Shift Slow association is happy to announce that applications are open for Germinar-t: a community based degrowth art residency 1st Edition! WHENDecember 4th to 11th WHERESunseed Eco-community in Sorbas, Almerìa (Spain) WHYWe move at the intersection of degrowth and art. We want the degrowth movement to be more colourful, creative, artistic, playful, experimental, embodied ... throug...
24 – 28 August 2022
WHENAugust 24th - 28th WHEREGars am Kamp, Lower Austria WHYWe want to go beyond the tendency of classical education to focus on the mind and create opportunities where participants can not only acquire knowledge, but also become passionate and active advocates for socio-ecological change. The festival is a place where learning with all the senses and creating something new are at the centre, ...
19 – 20 March 2022
After Growth is a symposium, a gathering of bodies and minds, but it is also an invitation to construct another future. At its core is the belief that prosperity does not depend on economic growth, and that – in the face of ongoing climate catastrophe – there is an urgent need to find new ways of living within planetary boundaries.
20 – 28 January 2022
This theme week on Degrowth focuses on “paths into transition”. It specifically addresses opportunities and approaches for a planned, democratic, and peaceful transition to an economy without growth dependency. We aim to discuss central questions such as which actors can promote such a transition; what challenges they confront; and how to avoid provoking new crises and cleavages. In the digital theme week, renowned experts will discuss these questions with us, in which theoretical as well as practical-activist questions go hand in hand.
The German and Hamburg networks for Basic Income and attac Germany (Attac AG Genug für alle) have agreed to cooperate to host an European conference on Basic Income and Degrowth on 19-20 May 2016 to take place in the city of Hamburg with the support of local activists. http://basisinkomen.net/obi/event/ubi-and-degrowth-hamburg-germany-19-20-may-2016/?instance_id=16470
When: 12 December Where: Paris As the climate summit wraps up, thousands of people will be back on the streets, outside the summit, for the final word. Join us there for a mass mobilisation and the largest civil disobedience action on climate change in Europe. Read more about the 'redlines' action plans in The Guardian here (http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/oct/08/activists-promise-...
The European Union has demonstrated a tremendous success story of unification and implementation of a joint currency for 330 million people. Nevertheless, in the last years, the European project has shown the need for a consistent, longer-term strategy, a vision that again sparks enthusiasm and support for this project. For the last four years WWWforEurope, has worked on such a strategic app...
Let’s get the world cycling Do you cycle every day, occasionally, or are you a cyclist in the making? Come along, and bring your friends! 5th December 2015 at 10am place de la Bastille in Paris (and elsewhere in the world) We have the power to move forward and change the world, one pedal stroke at a time! Together let’s create a critical mass for the climate. more on the website
Do you feel that our society is facing great challenges that need to be answered economically and politically? Do you ask yourself how we can analyze, understand and reshape our economy? Current discourses on economic policy are characterized by catchwords like "lack of alternatives", "growth" or "the hard facts". Our answer: The economy is a multifaceted and complex phenomenon. The approaches ...
When: 28 & 29 November Where: Around the world On the eve of the big UN summit in Paris, the climate movement is taking to the streets. With climate change in the global spotlight, this is our chance to make the talks work for our movement. This is our chance to set the agenda for ambition. Our message: keep fossil fuels in the ground and finance a just transition to 100% renewable ener...
The climate crisis is the defining global issue of the 21st Century. It is about far more than physical changes to the natural environment: it is a matter of justice. And tackling it requires an unprecedented level of collective action and cooperation. The Cooperide is our manifestation of how we believe we must act if we are to take on climate change. We have a common goal. It will be a dem...
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Entitle partner, has organized the workshop "Environmental Utopias and Dystopias as Forms of Resistance, Oppression and Liberation" that will take place in Stockholm next 11-12 December 2015, with keynote speaker Dr Adeline Johns-Putra. Contributions from postgraduate scholars in the environmental humanities are invited to attend. Call for papers is open unti...
Over the 5th and 6th of December weekend, join the People's Climate Summit in Montreuil. Hundreds of actions, debates and initiatives will be organized by civil society, both French and International, in and around Paris during the whole two weeks of the COP21. But this weekend will see the greatest concentration of debates, workshops, screenings and presentations of concrete alternatives in...
In a working class neighbourhood north of Paris, in a cultural centre open to the city, the CENTQUATRE, will hold a “Climate Action Zone” during the last week of the COP21. In a working class neighbourhood north of Paris, in a cultural centre open to the city, the http://www.104.fr/, will hold a “Climate Action Zone” during the last week of the COP21. For four days, we’ll transform the 104 i...