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Part I Foundations
1. Social ecological economics - Clive L. Spash
2. A critical and realist approach to ecological economics - Armin Puller and Tone Smith

Part II Heterodox thought on the environment
3. Critical institutional economics - Arild Vatn
4. Political ecology and unequal exchange - Alf Hornborg
5. Ecofeminism - Ariel Salleh
6. Ecological Marxism and ecological economics: from misunderstanding to eeaningful dialogue - Ali Douai
7. Post Keynesian economics and sustainable development - Eric Berr
8. Evolutionary economics - Karolina Safarzynska

Part III Biophysical reality and its implications
9. Thermodynamics: relevance, implications, misuse and ways forward - Kozo Torasan Mayumi
10. Geophysical limits, raw material use and their policy implications - Armin Dieter
11. Social metabolism - Fridolin Krausmann
12. The biophysical realities of ecosystems - Vincent Devictor
13. Coevolutionary social ecological economics - Richard B. Norgaard

Part IV Society, power and politics
14. Theories of power - Lorenz Stör
15. The Imperial Mode of Living - Ulrich Brand and Markus Wissen
16. A guide to environmental justice movements and the language of ecological distribution conflicts - Joan Martinez-Alier
17. Social movements and resistance - Viviana Asara

Part V Markets, production and consumption
18. Unregulated markets and the transformation of society - Asad Zaman
19. Theory of the firm - Peter E. Earl
20. Theories of (un)sustainable consumption - Clive L. Spash and Karin Dobernig
21. Work and leisure: money, identity and playfulness - Wolfgang J. Fellner

Part VI Value and ethics
22. Pluralism and incommensurability - John O’Neill
23. Intrinsic values and economic valuation - Katie McShane
24. Needs as a central element of sustainable development - Felix Rauschmayer and Ines Omann
25. Future generations - Richard B. Howarth

Part VII Science and society: uncertainty and precaution
26. Precautionary appraisal as a response to risk, uncertainty, ambiguity and ignorance - Andy Stirling
27. Addressing strong uncertainty: safe minimum standards - Irmi Seidl
28. Post-normal science - Roger Strand

Part VIII Methods
29. The NUSAP approach to uncertainty appraisal and communication - Jeroen P. van der Sluijs
30. Multi-criteria evaluation in environmental policy analysis - Salvatore Greco and Giuseppe Munda
31. Multicriteria mapping - Rebecca White
32. Q methodology - Ben Davies
33. Participation in the context of ecological economics - Kirsty L. Blackstock
34. Deliberative monetary valuation - Jasper Kenter
35. Participatory modelling in ecological economics: lessons from practice - Nuno Videira, Paula Antunes and Rui Santos
36. Input-output analysis - Jon D. Erickson and Melinda Kane
37. Sustainability indicators - Philippe Roman and Géraldine Thiry

Part IX Policy challenges
38. Commons - Bengi Akbulut
39. Uneven development and resource extractivism in Africa - Patrick Bond
40. Mining conflicts - Begüm Özkaynak and Beatriz Rodriguez-Labajos
41. Peak-oil and ecological economics - Christian Kerschner and Iñigo Capellán-Pérez
42. Human induced climate change from a political economy perspective - Max Koch
43. Ecosystem services- Erik Gómez-Baggethun

Part X Future post-growth society
44. Degrowth and democracy - Daniel Hausknost
45. The steady state economy - Brian Czech
46. Post-growth economics - Niko Paech
47. The bioregional economy: celebrating the local in production and consumption - Molly Scott Cato
48. The coming sustainable city - Laura Frye-Levine and Richard S. Levine
49. Eco-social enterprises - Nadia Johanisova and Eva Fraňková
50. Democracy, participation and social planning - Fikret Adaman and Pat Devine

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