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Showing 3581 items

Scientific paper • 2013


Political Theory for a Closed World

By: Andrew Dobson

Ophuls; closed world; political theory

• 2013


Aus den Ruinen des Empires

By: Pankaj Mishra

Untertitel: Die Revolte gegen den Westen und der Wiederaufstieg Asiens Der Verlag: Nachdem die letzten Erben des Mogul-Reiches getötet und der Sommerpalast in Peking zerstört war, schien die asiatische Welt vom Westen besiegt. Erstmals erzählt der Essayist und Schriftsteller Pankaj Mishra, wie in dieser Situation Intellektuelle in Indien, China und Afghanistan eine Fülle an Ideen entwickelte...

Interview • 2013


Buchmesse Leipzig: Harald Welzer zu Gast am 3sat-Stand

By: Harald Welzer, Ernst A. Grandits

Harald Welzer im Gespräch über sein Buch "Selbst Denken - eine Anleitung zum Widerstand". Dabei geht es um Politik, sogenannte Alternativelosigkeit, Wirtschaft, Macht, Krisen, Veränderung und unsere Zukunft. In was für in einer Welt will ich leben und was kann ich dafür tun?

Scientific paper • 2013


Wirtschaft im Dienst des (guten) Lebens: Von Georgescu-Roegens Bioökonomik zur Décroissance

By: Barbara Muraca

Zusammenfassung: Der rumänische Ökonom Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen gilt als der Vater der ökologischen Ökonomik und als einer der schärfsten Kritiker der Mainstreamökonomik. Diese neoklassisch fundierte Ökonomik beruhe u.a. auf der Ausblendung von Zeit als einem kumulativen und unumkehrbaren Prozess und auf einer mechanistischen und atomistischen Auffassung von Natur, die den Prozess menschlicher...

• 2013


Entropia: Life Beyond Industrial Civilisation

By: Samuel Alexander

When industrial civilisation collapsed in the third decade of the 21st century, a community living on a small island in the South Pacific Ocean found itself permanently isolated from the rest of the world. With no option but to build a self-sufficient economy with very limited energy supplies, this community set about creating a simpler way of life that could flourish into the deep future. Dete...

• 2013


Die Wachstumsspirale: Geld, Energie und Imagination in der Dynamik des Marktprozesses

By: Hans Christoph Binswanger

Der Verlag: Im Wachstumsprozess weitet sich der wirtschaftliche Kreislauf zu einer Spirale aus, die im Aufstieg einem exponentiellen Pfad folgt. Um den Antrieb und die Möglichkeit zur Verfolgung dieses Wachstumspfads zu erklären, muss die Dynamik des Geldes, der Energie und der menschlichen Imagination deutlicher herausgestellt werden als es in der konventionellen ökonomischen Theorie der Fall ...

Scientific paper • 2013


The failures of European crisis management and its micro and meso level reasons

By: Anita Pelle

Paper presented at the Conference “New economic concepts in the current European crises“. Abstract: The current European crisis started as the infiltration of the global financial crisis. The real economy was hit badly by the sudden contraction of the financial sector. The European Commission’s recovery plan of 2008, followed by most member states at that time, built on the quick restoration o...

Scientific paper • 2013


The Rule of Ecological Law: The Legal Complement to Degrowth Economics

By: Geoffrey Garver

ecological law; planetary boundaries; principle of sustainability; wild law; right relationship; precautionary principle; supranationality; subsidiarity

Scientific paper • 2013


Societal metabolism, working hours and degrowth: a comment on Sorman and Giampietro

By: Giorgos Kallis

Degrowth; Work; Metabolism; Institutions

Scientific paper • 2013


Towards Degrowth: Alternate Logics in Fostering Sustainability

By: Manjula S Salimath, Vallari Chandna

Alternate Logics, Degrowth, Sustainability

Scientific paper • 2013


Are the Central East European Countries Pollution Havens?

By: Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso, Martina Vidovic, Anca M. Voicu

Pollution Haven Hypothesis, Porter hypothesis, European Union, Trade Flows

• 2013


Momentum Institute analyses Basic Income / Unconditional Autonomy Allowance: « Living income for free and egalitarian societies »

By: Hugo Carton

Debates about basic income inside the Degrowth movements are growing. The Momentum Institute analyses two proposal from the French Degrowth movement: Basic Income and Unconditional Autonomy Allowance suggested by the "Degrowth project" collective. > In French

Scientific paper • 2013


Determinats of real long-term interest rates in Europe: “Is it a fiscal phenomenon?”

By: Fatih Kaya

Paper presented at the Conference “New economic concepts in the current European crises“. Abstract: Several studies investigate the relationship between government debt/deficit ratios and the real long-term interest rates, but the empirical evidence is not conclusive enough for consensus building. Evidence for statistically weak or mixed association is as much as the evidence for a strong posi...

Scientific paper • 2013


Heterodox Political Economy and the Degrowth Perspective

By: Kent Klitgaard

heterodox political economy; political ecology; metabolic rift; monopoly capitalism; social structure of accumulation; second contradiction of capitalism; energy return on investment

Interview • 2013


Transition and Degrowth movements…

By: Vincent Liegey, Stéphane Madelaine, Christophe Ondet, Anisabel Veillot

This interview was made by the French magazine S!lence. Three questions were asked to the members of the Collective « Un projet de Décroissance » (« A Degrowth Project » ) about the differencies, the complementarities, and the convergences between the Degrowth and Transition movements. > In French

Presentation • 2013


8 videos with Vincent Liegey on Degrowth

By: Vincent Liegey

8 short videos, between 2 and 8 minutes long, about some basic facets of the degrowth movement: #1 Degrowth as a provocative slogan #2 Degrowth as concept of reappropriation of fundamentals of life #3 The physical limits to growth #4 Degrowth and the religion of Growth #5 Degrowth Project #6 History of Degrowth #7 Degrowth and the crises #8 About the book « A Degrowth Projet »

Presentation • 2013


A Degrowth Project - Video

By: Vincent Liegey

Vincent Liegey presents degrowth in general and the book "A Degrowth Project". He first gives a definition of degrowth, then he presents the book and it's topic which is unconditional autonomy allowance (UAA) and at last he speaks about 3 scenarios of how to implement such an UAA.

Scientific paper • 2013


From economism to autonomy: A Greek economic emergency and the transformative vision of degrowth

By: Panos Petridis

Economism, autonomy, Greece, crisis, democracy, degrowth, transformation

• 2013


Beyond Development - Alternative Visions from Latin America

By: Miriam Lang, Eduardo Gudynas, Margarita Aguinaga, Dunia Mokrani, Alejandra Santillana, Alberto Acosta, Edgardo Lander, Ulrich Brand, Maristella Svampa, Raúl Prada, Elisa Vega, Eduardo Gudynas

The publisher: Latin America is at the forefront of thinking on how to build a new sustainable economy that rejects consumerism and extractivism. An exciting compilation on new ideas such as Buen Vivir that are reshaping the global debate on how to live in harmony with each other and nature. Contents > Prologue: Crisis of civilisation and challenges for the left - Miriam Lang > Debat...

Report • 2013


Another World

By: Michalis Theodoropoulos, iliosporoi network

Published with a Creative Commons license, iliosporoi.net. Iliosporoi network: Documentary "Another World" about the grassroots initiatives in Greece that form another world right here right now, away from the crisis and capitalism (Greek narration, English subtitles in captions).