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Scientific paper • 2019
By: Mary Gearey, Neil Ravenscroft
Abstract: Degrowth imaginaries offer alternative ways of envisioning future societies. Those, predominantly working age and working class people, seeking to purposefully enact degrowth in the here and now are termed ‘nowtopians’. Based on empirical work undertaken along the River Adur valley in West Sussex, UK, this paper argues that dynamic examples of nowtopian initiatives can develop from a...
Scientific paper • 2019
By: Giorgos Kallis, Federico Demaria, Karen Bakker
Abstract: The term ‘décroissance’ (degrowth) signifies a process of political and social transformation that reduces a society's material and energy use while improving the quality of life. Degrowth calls for decolonizing imaginaries and institutions from – in Ursula Le Guin's words – ‘a one-way future consisting only of growth’. Recent scholarship has focused on the ecological and social cost...
Scientific paper • 2019
By: Pasi Heikkurinen, Pierre Tosi, Jana Lozanoska
Abstract: Hannah Arendt's three-fold conceptualization of human activity offers a useful base for understanding the necessity of degrowth and the kinds of activities required to achieve it. The article argues that the different roles of labour, work, and action should be acknowledged and scrutinized in detail to appreciate the underpinnings of contemporary over-production and over-consumption,...
Scientific paper • 2019
By: Mladen Domazet, Branko Ančić
Abstract: Inspired by the thesis that an alliance between degrowth and environmental justice (EJ) movements is essential (Akbulut et al., this issue), this paper presents the findings of empirical research concerning the pitfalls and possibilities of such an alliance as understood by prominent Croatian EJ movement leaders. We outline the context of the Croatian EJ movement through two specific...
Scientific paper • 2018
By: Raquel Neyra
Presentation • 2018
By: Jakob Sparn
This presentation explains what the SHRUB coop does to reduce & re-use "waste", to educate the public, and to create community.
• 2018
"Maps articulate statements that are shaped by social relations, discourses and practices, but these statements also influence them in turn. Hence, maps (and atlases) are always political. "In this interplay between facts and perception, the cartographer is both witness and actor. [...] In order to create, or, more accurately: to invent, "his worlds", he finally arrives at a subtle mixture of t...
Scientific paper • 2018
This paper summarises the key arguments of degrowth thinking and examines their validity in a city planning setting. The paper argues that much of the reorientation work that is necessary to meet the goals of international climate change conventions needs to be carried out locally, in urban and regional settings, and this creates pressure to renew land-use planning practices. It also argues tha...
• 2018
By: Ryan Holifield, Jayajit Chakraborty, Gordon Walker
Description: The Routledge Handbook of Environmental Justice presents an extensive and cutting-edge introduction to the diverse, rapidly growing body of research on pressing issues of environmental justice and injustice. With wide-ranging discussion of current debates, controversies, and questions in the history, theory, and methods of environmental justice research, contributed by over 90 lea...
• 2018
By: Federico Demaria
A decade after the first international 'degrowth' conference, FEDERICO DEMARIA charts the evolution of the term from a provocative activist slogan to what he says is now an academic concept taking hold with policymakers
• 2018
By: Timo Luthmann
Die politischen und persönlichen Herausforderungen nehmen für engagierte Menschen stetig zu. Wie können wir – ohne auszubrennen – mit diesen Umständen klug umgehen? Was macht Aktivist*innen wie auch soziale Bewegungen widerstandsfähiger, kreativer und erfolgreicher? Wie sieht es mit der feinen Balance zwischen individueller Selbstverwirklichung und kollektiver Befreiung aus? Erstmals wird da...
• 2017
By: Samuel Alexander
Abstract: What role might art need to play in the transition beyond consumer capitalism? Can ‘culture jamming’ contribute to the necessary revolution in consciousness? And might art be able to provoke social change in ways that rational argument and scientific evidence cannot? In this new book I explore these questions, both in theory and practice. I begin with a theoretical defence of art a...
Scientific paper • 2017
By: Javier Lloveras, Cathy Parker, Lee Quinn
Keywords: Activism, consumption, degrowth, place, space
• 2017
By: Jeremy Brecher
From the publisher: Before the election of Donald Trump the world was already speeding toward climate catastrophe. Now President Trump has jammed his foot on the global warming accelerator. Is there any way for the rest of us to put on the brakes? Climate insurgency is a strategy for using people power to realize our common interest in protecting the climate. It uses mass, global, nonviolent...
Scientific paper • 2017
By: Ulrich Demmer, Agata Hummel
Key words: ontological politics, activist research, degrowth, alternatives to modernity
Scientific paper • 2017
By: Eeva Berglund
Keywords: social movements; Finland; urban/DIY activism; design
Scientific paper • 2017
By: Dennis Eversberg, Matthias Schmelzer
Keywords: Degrowth; social and environmental movements; transformation; economic growth; activism
Scientific paper • 2016
By: Viviana Asara
This study analyses the framing processes of the Indignados movement in Barcelona, as an exemplar of the latest wave of protests, and argues that it expresses a new ecological–economic way out of the crisis. It finds that the movement was not just a reaction to the economic crisis and austerity policies, but that it put forward a metapolitical critique of the social imaginary and (neo)liberal r...
Presentation • 2016
By: Jana Gebauer
The presentation shows what needs to be done in the movement in order to achieve more visibility and, more importantly, feasibility. In the same framework, tools like multipliers and institutions should be embraced to foster cooperation and convergence in projects and approaches for an alternative economy.
Presentation • 2016
By: Barbara Muraca
Presentation by Barbara Muraca Starting from a critique to Growth as a major driver of our economies, the consequences it brings along, from environmental impacts to control over the marginalized, and as the mono-culture of our times, Muraca develops its limits and shows the alternatives beyond Capitalism. She explores what it means living in a society where basic needs services are valued a...