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Showing 164 items

• 2020


Coronavirus in times of climate change: a reflection


"What is is that you value and want to keep? What do you have to let go of in order to stop making matters worse? What is it that we have lost in our industrial society and need to bring back?"

• 2020


Tourism, Degrowth, and the COVID-19 Crisis

By: Robert Fletcher, Asunción Blanco-Romero, Macià Blázquez-Salom, Ivan Murray Mas

The COVID-19 crisis shows what degrowth in the global tourism industry could look like. But it would need much more concerted planning to address the social impacts of this transition.

Educational paper • 2020


Clarity at this crucial moment - a webinar with the Post Growth Institute

By: Donnie Maclurcan, Crystal Arnold

Donnie Maclurcan Ph.D. and Crystal Arnold from the Post Growth Institute (http://postgrowth.org) explore how the coronavirus is affecting both global and local economies, and what you can do to help to ensure we manage this moment wisely. Short presentations are followed by questions and answers.

• 2019


Against economics

By: David Graeber

A book review by David Graeber of Robert Skidelsky's new book Money and Government: The Past and Future of Economics

Interview • 2019


Capitalism and Climate Breakdown with Gareth Dale

By: Political Economy for the End Times

A new podcast by "Political Economy for the End Times", interviewing Gareth Dale. The topics discussed are capitalist time vs. ecological time, catastrophism and civilisation collapse, ideologies of economic growth, green growth, socialist techno-utopianism, degrowth, and the Green New Deal.

• 2019


Towards a Political Economy of Degrowth

By: Ekaterina Chertkovskaya, Alexander Paulsson, Stefania Barca

Since the 1970s, the degrowth idea has been proposed by scholars, public intellectuals and activists as a powerful call to reject the obsession of neoliberal capitalism with economic growth, an obsession which continues apace despite the global ecological crisis and rising inequalities. In the past decade, degrowth has gained momentum and become an umbrella term for various social movements...

Scientific paper • 2019


Tourism and degrowth: an emerging agenda for research and praxis

By: Robert Fletcher, Asunción Blanco-Romero, Macià Blázquez-Salom, Ivan Murray Mas

Abstract: This article outlines a conceptual framework and research agenda for exploring the relationship between tourism and degrowth. Rapid and uneven expansion of tourism as a response to the 2008 economic crisis has proceeded in parallel with the rise of social discontent concerning so-called “overtourism.” Despite decades of concerted global effort to achieve sustainable development, mean...

Scientific paper • 2019


Global Climate Emergency: after COP24, climate science, urgency, and the threat to humanity

By: Barry Gils, Jamie Morgan

This Special Editorial on the Climate Emergency makes the case that although we are living in the time of Global Climate Emergency we are not yet acting as if we are in an imminent crisis. The authors review key aspects of the institutional response and climate science over the past several decades and the role of the economic system in perpetuating inertia on reduction of greenhouse gas emissi...

Interview • 2019


Maybrit Illner (ZDF) vom 26. September 2019: "Abschwung, Jobs und Klimarettung – riskieren wir unseren Wohlstand?"

By: Nina Treu, Peter Altmaier, Robert Habeck, Carolin Roth, Mario Gutmann, Karl Haeusgen

Deutschlands Wirtschaft rutscht ab. Die Industrie leidet unter US-Handelskriegen, Brexit-Angst und schwächerer Weltwirtschaft. Stehen wir vor einer der üblichen Konjunkturkrisen oder vor einem epochalen Umbruch? Klimaschutz und Digitalisierung zwingen die Unternehmen zu Abbau und Umbau der alten Arbeitsplätze, zum „Neu-Erfinden“ ganzer Produktionszweige. Wen erreicht die Krise zuerst? Für...

Scientific paper • 2019


Commemorating economic crisis at a liminal site: Memory, creativity and dissent at Achill Henge, Ireland

By: Tim Edensor, Thomas SJ Smith

This paper draws on a case study of Achill Henge, County Mayo, Ireland, to examine the interplay between economic crisis, rebel creativity and shifting geographies of commemoration. Built in 2011 in a remote part of the west of Ireland, Achill Henge is a highly contested monument. Unfinished and under perennial threat of demolition, the Stonehenge-like structure was originally conceived as a ‘t...

Report • 2019


The Green New Deal for Europe: a blueprint for Europe's just transition

By: Teresa Anderson, Stefania Barca, Grace Blakeley, Friedrich Bohn, Sam Bright, Giacomo D'Alisa, Nick Dearden, Nicoletta Dentico, Laura C. Zanetti-Domingues, Dirk Ehnts, Skender Fani, Julia Fish, Charlotte Hanson, Jason Hickel, Nick Jacobs, Giorgos Kallis, Tessa Khan, Mat Lawrence, Laurie Laybourn-Langton, Emanuele Leonardi, Ruth London, Riccardo Mastini, Bill McKibben, Julian Brave NoiseCat, David Powell, Jérémy Rodrigues, Jakob Schäfer, Christoph Schneider, Giovanna Sissa, Isaac Stanley, Will Stronge, Sean Sweeney

Europe today confronts two crises. The first is an economic crisis, with rising levels of poverty, insecurity, and homelessness across the continent. The second is a climate and environmental crisis, with severe consequences for Europe’s front-line communities and even more perilous ones on the horizon. Both crises are the products of Europe’s political decisions, and they are closely bound t...

Scientific paper • 2019


Degrowth: A metamorphosis in being

By: Pasi Heikkurinen

Abstract: The call to transform the growth society lacks an analysis of the human will. Problematically for degrowth, the enactment of this so-called will to transform has undesired matter-energetic consequences. Every act of transformation requires matter–energy, adding to the cumulative throughput of societies. To revert the ecospherical metabolism from a state of overshoot to one of degrowt...

Scientific paper • 2019


Crisis, liminality and the decolonization of the social imaginary

By: Angelos Varvarousis

Abstract: The decolonization of the social imaginary has been proposed as an important dimension of the transition towards a degrowth society. However, although omnipresent in the degrowth literature, the terms “social imaginary” and “social imaginary significations” have not been adequately explained. This creates a level of mystification that limits the analytical value of the degrowth frame...

Scientific paper • 2019


Disarray in global governance and climate change chaos

By: George Martine, Jose Eustaquio Alves

Scientists warn that human activity in the Anthropocene is causing the transgression of several planetary boundaries. The population/environment/development equation has become insoluble. This paper reviews the trajectory of climate change and discusses the shortcomings of ongoing efforts to address it. It analyzes the current crisis in global governance, fostered by widespread disenchantment w...

Scientific paper • 2019


Building new foundations: the future of education from a degrowth perspective

By: Christoph Sanders, Nadine Kaufmann, Julian Wortmann

Abstract: Considering education in the context of making and unmaking sustainable futures, a growing relevance is attributed to the role of shared beliefs or mental infrastructures which shape the way people perceive crises and solutions. The currently dominant capitalist economic paradigm is seen as one such powerful belief that generates imaginaries which cannot accommodate sustainable futur...

Presentation • 2018


First North-South Conference on Degrowth-Descrecimiento, México City 2018 - Undoing neoliberalism: degrowth as a radical alternative to the global crisis

By: Bárbara Muraca

Conferencia de la Plenaria del Jueves por Bárbara Muraca: "Deshaciendo el neoliberalismo: el decrecimiento como una alternativa radical a la crisis global"

Presentation • 2018


First North-South Conference on Degrowth-Descrecimiento, México City 2018 - Dimensionar el descrecimiento

By: Angel Pujalte

Durante las presentaciones individuales de la Conferencia el autor planteó la importancia de dimensionar el potencial de crecimiento para conocer la necesidad de descrecimineto.  

Scientific paper • 2018


Decrescimento. Uma perspectiva de esquerda sobre as crises socioambientais (I)

By: Luiz Marques

Do autor: "Este é o primeiro de uma série de seis artigos sobre as crises socioambientais contemporâneas e suas possíveis soluções ou mitigações numa perspectiva de decrescimento administrado. Essa perspectiva afigura-se hoje como a mais consequente, talvez a única efetiva para uma sociedade viável."  

• 2018


Fabian Scheidler, Harald Schumann im Grips Theater: Chaos. Das neue Zeitalter der Revolutionen

By: Fabian Scheidler, Harald Schumann

Mit: Fabian Scheidler, Autor ("Das Ende der Megamaschine. Geschichte einer scheiternden Zivilisation", "Chaos. Das neue Zeitalter der Revolutionen" (www.revolutionen.org)) und Harald Schumann, Journalist beim Tagesspiegel und bei "Investigate Europe", Buchautor ("Die Globaliserungsfalle", "Der globale Countdown"), Autor der Arte-Filme "Staatsgeheimnis Bankenrettung", "Troika: Macht ohne Kon...

Scientific paper • 2018


The Prerequisites for a Degrowth Paradigm Shift: Insights from Critical Political Economy

By: Hubert Buch-Hansen

Keywords: Crisis, Critical political economy, Institutional change, Degrowth, Paradigm shift, Political projects