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Showing 106 items

Scientific paper • 2016


The possibilities of sufficiency

By: Åsa Callmer

Sufficiency as a mind-set - as in “good enough” rather than voluntary simplicity - is indeed a challenging thought in a society of consumption-driven individuals taught to equate materialistic accomplishments with status as well as with identity. However, to upgrade the value of sufficiency in the affluent society brings about potential for a reorientation towards sustainability. This paper aim...

Presentation • 2016


TUE_18h // Opening panel of the conference: Degrowth in semi-periphery context

By: Giorgos Kallis, Danijela Dolenec, Alexandra Köves, Zoltan Pogatsa

Panel discussion at the the 6th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Budapest in 2016. Speakers: Alexandra Köves, Zoltan Pogatsa, Danijela Dolenec, Giorgos Kallis Degrowth 2016 - English youtube channel

Scientific paper • 2016


New narratives for innovation

By: Mario Giampietro, Roger Strand, Andrea Saltelli, Kjetil Rommetveit, Silvio Funtowicz

Keywords: Sociotechnical imaginaries; Post-normal science

Presentation • 2016


How Economism Became Our Religion

By: Richard Norgaard

Publisher: Economism pervades our political discourse even while it is obviously false: growing and globalizing the U.S. economy have not helped the poor, lower taxes have led to collapsing bridges and poorer schools, and reducing regulations have hastened environmental destruction. These and other beliefs, or economism, have been perpetrated in the name of economics and gained credence compara...

Scientific paper • 2016


De-growth and critical community psychology: Contributions towards individual and social well-being

By: Alfredo Natale, Salvatore Di Martino, Fortuna Procentese, Caterina Arcidiacono

Keywords: Degrowth; Critical community psychology; Well-being; Decolonisation of the imaginary; Reciprocity; Social justice

Presentation • 2016


Ausstieg aus der Megamaschine - Vortrag

By: Fabian Scheidler

Vortrag vom 23.9.2016 bei der Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Systemische Therapie an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/M. Der Vortrag fasst den zweiten Teil des Buches "Das Ende der Megamaschine. Geschichte einer scheiternden Zivilisation" in sieben Punkten zusammen: 1. Das Verhältnis von Markt, Staat und ideologischer Macht im modernen Weltsystem 2. Der Mythos des Westens 3....

• 2016


Not Markets Alone but Creativity and Innovation for Development

By: Mateo Pimentel

From the text: As human beings, we are naturally social and creative. The inherent curiosity that drives us to innovate is ultimately a testament to the creative impetus that resides within all of us. And the richness and flexibility of human behavior, including our capacity for cooperation and adaptation, further allow us to envisage and create a world that far outstrips the current economic a...

• 2016



By: Michael Kopatz

Damit wir tun, was wir für richtig halten Der Verlag: Dieses Buch macht Schluss mit umweltmoralischen Appellen! Es zeigt: Wir können nachhaltig leben, ohne uns tagtäglich mit Klimawandel oder Massentierhaltung befassen zu müssen. Wir machen ökologisches Leben einfach zur Routine! Was unmöglich erscheint, ist konzeptionell einfach: Mülltrennung, Sparlampen, Effizienzhäuser – alles längst akz...

• 2016


Undoing the Ideology of Growth: Hegemony, Path Dependencies and Power in the History of the Growth Paradigm

By: Matthias Schmelzer

"Degrowth aims at undoing growth. Undoing growth both at the level of social structures and social imaginaries. Although the focus is very often on the latter, i.e. the “decolonization of imaginaries” as put by Serge Latouche, the degrowth perspective still seems to lack a comprehensive understanding of the role of ideology, the path dependencies and the power that shape these imaginations. (.....

• 2016


Critical Self-Reflection as a Path to Anti-Capitalism: The Degrowth-Movement

By: Dennis Eversberg

"Although growth-critique is currently in vogue and degrowth is mentioned favorably even by the pope in his most recent encyclical, there is as yet almost no scientific research on degrowth as a social movement. We can now present the first empirical findings on the character of this movement, based on a survey we did at the 2014 Degrowth-Conference in Leipzig, in which 814 conference participa...

• 2016


Über Selbstproblematisierung zu Kapitalismuskritik: Die Degrowth-Bewegung

By: Dennis Eversberg, Matthias Schmelzer

"Auch wenn Wachstumskritik en vogue ist – in einer Rangliste der „Top 10 Grassroots Movements“ des australischen „Shift Magazine“ nahm es jüngst sogar den ersten Platz ein – gibt es zu Degrowth als einer sozialen Bewegung bisher kaum Forschungen. In einem neu erscheinenden Aufsatz im Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen präsentieren wir – basierend auf einer Fragebogenerhebung, an der sich 814 ...

• 2016


Unterwerfung als Freiheit: Leben im Neoliberalismus

By: Patrick Schreiner

Der Verlag: Weit über Politik und Wirtschaft hinaus hat sich der Neoliberalismus längst im Alltagsleben der Menschen verankert. Patrick Schreiner befasst sich mit seinen unscheinbaren, vermeintlich unpolitischen Erscheinungsformen. Er fragt nach den alltäglichen Mechanismen, durch die Menschen neoliberale Ansätze und Ideen als gut, angemessen und alternativlos akzeptieren. Dazu nimmt er das Bil...

Scientific paper • 2015


The Pedagogy of Degrowth: Teaching Hispanic Studies in the Age of Social Inequality and Ecological Collapse

By: Luis I. Prádanos

Abstract: Transforming education is crucial to generate a society able to deal with the complex socio-environmental challenges of the Anthropocene. In the current context of unacceptable inequality and ecological collapse we cannot continue teaching as if we were not losing from 40 to 200 species a day. Based on my experience as a professor teaching courses on Environmental Humanities and Hispa...

• 2015


The Church of Economism and Its Discontents

By: Richard Norgaard

Introduction: Two centuries of explosive economic growth have radically altered our material and ideological worlds. With human activity now the major driver of geological change, the industrial era has come to be called the Anthropocene. This inquiry instead adopts the term Econocene, underscoring its ideological foundation: economism. The concept of economism, the reduction of all social rela...

• 2015


Diversal degrowth. Collectively building visionary stories around degrowth

By: Francois Schneider

Course documentation of a course at the Degrowth Summerschool "Degrowth in Action: Climate Justice". This course involved an initial presentation of degrowth as a diversal, post-hegemonic idea and processes of collective building of visionary narratives of degrowth based on positively using polemics around degrowth. We are confronted by the growth ideology. Facing this strong ideology two opti...

Scientific paper • 2015


An Ethics of Surplus and the Right to Waste

By: Max Liboiron

About the article: One of the main reasons to bring degrowth and diverse economies into waste studies is that different regimes of valuation can redefine waste—that which is thrown away, devalued, discarded, and externalized. Max Liboiron uses the concept of dépense—excess and its expenditure– to explore other ways of valuing and even celebrating waste when growth-based practices of accumulatio...

• 2015


How do systems get unstuck?

By: Rex Weyler

From the text: In systems, relationships comprise the change, not individuals. Relationships are what endure in nature, not individuals or components. Our language, as Gregory Bateson observed, is biased toward things, against relationships. We say "the table is hard," conferring "hardness" upon the table, but this "hardness" can only be experienced when the table stops some momentum. Hardness ...

Report • 2015


Good, natural, malignant: five ways people frame economic growth

By: Laurence Matthews, Alison Matthews

The authors make a short analysis of how "growth" is framed in public debate. Frames discussed are: 1. Growth is good news, 2. Growth is natural, 3. Growth is the way forward, 4. A malignant growth, 5. Free from growth. From the text: Growth is good. We need growth for wealth, for jobs, to help the poor – without it society will collapse. Or, at least, that’s the message we’re surrounded by,...

Interview • 2015


"Protest Is Broken": Co-Creator of Occupy Wall Street Calls for New Mental Shift

By: Folha de São Paulo, Micah White

From the text: Attracting millions of people to the streets no longer guarantees the success of a protest, says Micah White, 33, the co-creator of Occupy Wall Street. “Occupy was a perfect example of a social movement that should have worked according to the dominant theories of protest and activism. And yet, it failed,” says Micah in an interview with Folha de São Paulo, the largest daily n...

• 2015


An ethics of surplus and the right to waste?: Discards and Degrowth

By: Max Liboiron

Short piece about discards in the context of degrowth. The author is asking if there are proposals within the degrowth framework dealing with waste and toxics and also how such proposals look like. He briefly discusses the concept of dépense and introduces the thought of a "right to waste".