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Showing 3581 items

Scientific paper • 2019


Alternative and Resistance Movements: The Two Faces of Sustainability Transformations?

By: Jérôme Pelenc, Grégoire Wallenborn, Julien Milanesi, Léa Sébastien, Julien Vastenaekels, Fany Lajarthe, Jérôme Ballet, Manuel Cervera-Marzal, Aurélie Carimentrand, Nicolas Merveille, Bruno Frère

This article addresses the issue of sustainability transformations in Ecological Economics through the lens of social movements, by linking environmental resistance movements and alternative movements. We advocate for a more politicized, social-movement oriented and place-based approach to sustainability transformations, and contribute to the development of a more political and emancipatory con...

• 2019


Grünes Wachstum oder Verzicht – wie retten wir die Welt?

By: Kristin Langen

Die natürlichen Ressourcen müssen geschont werden. Darüber herrscht große Einigkeit, jedoch nicht über den Weg dorthin: Die einen plädieren für ein „grünes Wirtschaftswunder“ mit Zukunftstechnologien. Die anderen fordern den Abschied vom Wachstum. Zeitfragen, Beitrag vom 01.10.2019

• 2019


Desacoplamiento de la realidad

By: Iñigo Capellán-Pérez

La validez de la narrativa del crecimiento verde queda muy tocada tras la publicación de un nuevo detallado y riguroso informe científico. El tiempo se agota y la piedra angular de la propuesta del establishment no se ha demostrado como viable en ninguna circunstancia de forma relevante. El Diario, July 8th 2019, Opinión y Blogs

• 2019


Degrowth and the Green New Deal

By: Gareth Dale

Radical action on climate change is at last on the agenda. The emphasis is on urgency and action and - for XR notably - ‘truth.’ Questions of long-term strategy are less clear, but strategy platforms have been advanced. Foremost among them are the Green New Deal (GND) and degrowth. This article provides a comparison and sketches lines of convergence  

• 2019


Defending limits is not Malthusian

By: Giorgos Kallis

"Self-limitation is not about constraining, but about defining collectively as societies our limits." This blogpost introduces the key ideas of Giorgos Kallis' new book Limits. Why Malthus was wrong and why environmentalists should care (Stanford University Press, 2019)

• 2019


When green growth is not enough

By: Nick Meynen

In recent years, the concept of green economic growth, i.e. the expansion of the economy without an accompanying increase in environmental harm, has gained political acceptance. However, the idea that this policy alone is enough to deal with the environmental challenges we face appears to be founded on little to no scientific basis. META, the news channel of the European Environmental Bureau...

• 2019


I am not alone

By: Julia Steinberger

Dear Life, I was not aware, when I was born, that I was born onto a battlefield. I was not aware, as I learned to walk, that I was stomping over the habitats of many creatures. I was not aware, as my mother drove me to school, that we were riding roughshod over the unmarked

• 2019


Do we want to advance towards the fourth industrial revolution?

By: Paz Serra Portilla

The arrival of smartphones, self-driving cars and the Cloud are all symptomatic of a profound shift that is re-writing modern society from within: the Fourth Industrial Revolution. New technologies claim to provide answers to a host of problems, but is technology unbound always a force for good? In the first of a three-part series on

• 2019


Degrowth: the realistic alternative for Labour

By: Mark Burton

Degrowth poses a fundamental challenge to a Labour Party that has yet to decide how far it wishes to transcend – and not merely reform – a growth- oriented, capitalist political economy.

• 2019


Strategies for a degrowth transformation: How useful are historical analogies?

By: Giuseppe Feola

Degrowth scholars and activists often turn to past cases of social or socioecological transformation for inspiration to inform transformative action in the present. Yet, there has so far been insufficient awareness of the bias that comes with using any historical analogy. The insights provided by historical analogies are limited, but can fruitfully complement analyses of

• 2019


Finnish degrowth activism in the run-up to the two 2019 elections

By: the Finnish degrowth network

In the spring of 2019, the Finnish degrowth network (kohtuusliike) undertook an election campaign. The aim of the campaign was to break the silence around degrowth ideas in political discourse. We were also curious to see how much support calls to limit production and consumption could generate within the ‘system’.

Scientific paper • 2019


Unraveling the claims for (and against) green growth

By: Tim Jackson, Peter A. Victor

Can the global economy grow indefinitely, decoupled from the Earth's limitations? Science 22 Nov 2019, Vol. 366, Issue 6468, pp. 950-951

• 2019


Global Degrowth Day

By: Joe Herbert, Ana Poças, Joël Foramitti, Álvaro Fonseca

Saturday 1st June 2019 marked a significant occasion for the degrowth movement: the inaugural ‘Global Degrowth Day’. Groups of people gathered together in places all around the world to engage with ideas of degrowth and alternatives to our growth-based society, guided by the event’s theme of ‘a good life for all’.

• 2019


Multiple Perspektiven des Weltklimastreiks in Wien am 15. März 2019

By: Nathan Barlow, Colleen Schneider, Nikolai Weber, und Frederik Amann

  1) Organisation und Planung des Weltklimastreiks von Colleen Schneider Die Planung des Weltklimastreiks begann bereits im Jänner 2019. Hier gründete sich eine Koalition verschiedener Aktivist_innengruppen in Wien, die die Potentiale  einer Zusammenarbeit auslotete und diskutierte welche Projekte und Aktivitäten umgesetzt werden könnten. So entstand die Idee, sich am Weltklimastreik am 15. Mär...

Scientific paper • 2019


The state in the transformation to a sustainable postgrowth economy

By: Max Koch

The limits of the environmental state in the context of the provision of economic growth are addressed by applying materialist state theory, state-rescaling approaches and the degrowth/postgrowth literature. I compare state roles in a capitalist growth economy and in a postgrowth economy geared towards bio-physical parameters such as matter and energy throughput and the provision of ‘sustainabl...

• 2019


Rise of sustainability reporting brings questions of motivation, agenda

By: Chris Gaetano

The use of sustainability accounting has grown apace with a rising demand from both investors and consumers for information on firms’ environmental, social and governance-related (ESG) impacts to the point where, today, 85 percent of S&P 500 companies report on such matters in some form or another. Yet with this rise have also come concerns that, in some cases, these reports are less for in...

Interview • 2019


Maybrit Illner (ZDF) vom 26. September 2019: "Abschwung, Jobs und Klimarettung – riskieren wir unseren Wohlstand?"

By: Nina Treu, Peter Altmaier, Robert Habeck, Carolin Roth, Mario Gutmann, Karl Haeusgen

Deutschlands Wirtschaft rutscht ab. Die Industrie leidet unter US-Handelskriegen, Brexit-Angst und schwächerer Weltwirtschaft. Stehen wir vor einer der üblichen Konjunkturkrisen oder vor einem epochalen Umbruch? Klimaschutz und Digitalisierung zwingen die Unternehmen zu Abbau und Umbau der alten Arbeitsplätze, zum „Neu-Erfinden“ ganzer Produktionszweige. Wen erreicht die Krise zuerst? Für...

Scientific paper • 2019


Estimation of global final-stage energy-return-on-investment for fossil fuels with comparison to renewable energy sources

By: Lukas Hardt, Paul Brockway, Anne Owen, Lina Brand-Correa

Under many scenarios, fossil fuels are projected to remain the dominant energy source until at least 2050. However, harder-to-reach fossil fuels require more energy to extract and, hence, are coming at an increasing ‘energy cost’. Associated declines in fossil fuel energy-return-on-investment ratios at first appear of little concern, given that published estimates for oil, coal and gas are typi...

Interview • 2019


Capitalism and Climate Breakdown with Gareth Dale

By: Political Economy for the End Times

A new podcast by "Political Economy for the End Times", interviewing Gareth Dale. The topics discussed are capitalist time vs. ecological time, catastrophism and civilisation collapse, ideologies of economic growth, green growth, socialist techno-utopianism, degrowth, and the Green New Deal.

Scientific paper • 2019


The local dimension in the degrowth literature. A critical discussion

By: Elisabetta Mocca

Degrowth is establishing itself as a theory within the ecological and post-development scholarship. At the core of degrowth is a local-centric perspective, whereby small urban agglomerations are considered as the key actors of the political and economic system of an imagined post-consumerist and post-capitalist society. Degrowth proponents thus argue that the fundamental steps to achieve a trul...