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Showing 3581 items

• 2019


A Green New Deal for an ecological economy

By: Sam Bliss, Leah Temper

Introducing a series of proposals for a truly transformative GND

Scientific paper • 2019


Frugality as a choice vs. frugality as a social condition. Is de-growth doomed to be a Eurocentric project?

By: Roldan Muradian

I argue that the degrowth movement reflects the values of a particular social group, namely the well-educated European middle class that share progressive-green-cosmopolitan values. This feature creates significant barriers for its dissemination among lower-income social groups in other parts of the world. There is an important difference between frugality as a choice and frugality as a social ...

• 2019


Prioritising well-being on a finite planet: A research manifesto

By: Joëlle Saey-Volckrick

  The Well Planet Manifesto is an invitation to undertake an agenda of research that is closer to the state of emergency in which we find ourselves. It encourages researchers, activists, policy-makers and member of civil society to act according to this emergency. Those are invited to connect to one another by signing up the

• 2019


A Green New Deal beyond growth (II) - Some steps forward

By: Elena Hofferberth

Among the proposals of how to address the climate crisis, calls for a Green New Deal (GND) have recently gained a lot of traction. Riccardo Mastini’s article laid out much of the content of current GND proposals as well as criticism from the degrowth perspective. While critical scrutiny is absolutely crucial to ensure that ideas

• 2019


Time to grow up

By: Candy Robinson

School climate strikers in Edinburgh demanded unity and action. My decision to attend and support the Edinburgh School Strike, like my arrival, was late.

• 2019


Manchester will host the next International Degrowth and International Society for Ecological Economics joint conference in 2020

By: The Support Group of the International Conferences on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability, Social Equity

The Support Group of the International Conferences on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity met in Villarceaux, outside Paris, at the end of January. It was decided that the 7th International Degrowth Conference will take place in Manchester at the beginning of September 2020.

• 2019


A Ideologia do Decrescimento

By: Arminda Sousa Deusdado

Episódio do magazine semanal Biosfera, que marca a agenda ambiental portuguesa "Vivemos a era da obsessão do crescimento económico infinito. Mas o planeta já está em sobrecarga. Aonde iremos buscar os minerais, água, solo e energia para sustentar uma sociedade que quer sempre mais? A ideologia do decrescimento apresenta-se como alternativa e quer reformular a economia de forma a não explorar...

Scientific paper • 2019


Global Climate Emergency: after COP24, climate science, urgency, and the threat to humanity

By: Barry Gils, Jamie Morgan

This Special Editorial on the Climate Emergency makes the case that although we are living in the time of Global Climate Emergency we are not yet acting as if we are in an imminent crisis. The authors review key aspects of the institutional response and climate science over the past several decades and the role of the economic system in perpetuating inertia on reduction of greenhouse gas emissi...

• 2019


A dangerous courtship: The authoritarian nationalist right and the post-growth debate

By: Dennis Eversberg

Growth-critical authors and advocates of a post-growth society are often criticized on the grounds that some of their arguments appear open to appropriation by authoritarian nationalist and nativist racist forces. As such objections are often made in a polemical and overly generalised manner, often ultimately aiming to delegitimize growth-critical ideas as a whole, those being

Scientific paper • 2019


Need, Entitlement and Desert: A Distributive Justice Framework for Consumption Degrowth

By: Cle-Anne Gabriel, Carol Bond

Post-growth societies seek socio-ecological transformations towards a just and sustainable redistribution and reduced consumption of natural capital. There is no one universally just and ecologically sustainable way of fulfilling these redistribution and consumption objectives; it depends on the criteria used and their underlying ethical teleology. We suggest three distribution criteria, borrow...

• 2019


Multiple perspectives on the March 15th, Global Climate Strike in Vienna

By: Nathan Barlow, Colleen Schneider, Nikolai Weber, , Frederik Amann

Organization and planning of the Strike by Colleen Schneider In January a coalition of activist groups in Vienna discussed potential collaborations. Considering what momentum could be generated and what activities it made sense to collaborate on – the Global Climate Strike in Vienna was thus planned for 15 March. 

Scientific paper • 2019


Shifting Education Towards Sustainability – How Degrowth Can Transform Education for Sustainable Development

By: Sofia Getzin

Key pedagogical approaches that work at fostering critical reflection and fostering transformative action become more effective when they are applied in a degrowth context.

Scientific paper • 2019


The political economy of degrowth

By: Timothée Parrique

What is degrowth and what are its implications for political economy? Divided in three parts, this dissertation explains the why, what and how of degrowth.

• 2019


Old Man on a Bike: a story of how cycling keeps us all young

By: Mark Sutton

Mark Cramer, commentator on the subject of cycling into later life and best practice infrastructure has released a new book filled with incredible stories of how cycling contributes positively to society the world over.

• 2019


The World We Made - An urgent new play about our future

By: Jonathon Porritt

A dramatisation of Jonathon Porritt’s book The World We Made—adapted for the stage by CUSP fellow Beth Flintoff—received its ‘world premiere’ at the Change Festival in October 2019. The play takes a retrospective look (from the year 2050) of the changes that took (will have taken) place to combat climate change and achieve sustainability. With support from the ESRC and local citizen groups, the...

• 2019


Trade governance will make or break the Green New Deal. How the GND could, should, must redefine “protectionism” and transform international trade

By: Shaun Sellers

"A climate policy must change the way that the global economy works if it is to be successful, but if a policy is effective enough to disrupt global trade, it will violate global trade rules."

Scientific paper • 2019


LowGrow SCF: A stock-flow-consistent ecological macroeconomic model for Canada

By: Tim Jackson, Peter A. Victor

This working paper presents a stock-flow consistent (SFC) simulation model of a national economy, calibrated on the basis of Canadian data. LowGrow SFC describes the evolution of the Canadian economy in terms of six financial sectors whose behaviour is based on ‘stylised facts’ in the Post-Keynesian tradition. A key feature of the model is its ability to provide a systematic account, not only o...

• 2019


The neoliberal fuel to the anti-gender movement

By: Elena Zacharenko

If progressives want to fight the movement against so-called ‘gender ideology’, they need to break with neoliberalism

• 2019


Defending degrowth is not Malthusian

By: Giorgos Kallis

Self-limitation is not about constraining, but about defining collectively as societies our limits.

Scientific paper • 2019


Mapping and Analyzing Ecological Distribution Conflicts in Andean Countries

By: Joan Martinez-Alier, Mario Pérez-Rincón, Julieth Vargas-Morales

The extractive sector is increasingly important in the GDP and export basket of the four Andean countries under study (ACs) (Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia). The analysis of an updated inventory of 296 environmental conflicts in the EJAtlas for these four countries reaches the following conclusions: extractivism causes environmental conflicts related to mining, fossil fuels, hydropower and...