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Showing 131 items

Report • 2015


Der Wert öffentlicher Güter

By: Petra Böhnke, Jens Kersten, Tanja Klenk, Claudia Neu, Berthold Vogel

Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung: Das Gemeinwesen braucht öffentliche Güter: die Wasserversorgung genauso wie den Kindergarten. Doch die öffentlichen Einrichtungen sind unterfinanziert. Deshalb lebt der Staat schon länger von seiner Substanz. Auf Dauer untergräbt diese Entwicklung die Grundlagen unseres Alltagslebens: Die Lebensqualität sinkt, und letztlich wird auch die wirtschaftliche Leistungsfähigkei...

• 2015


Die Welt der Commons

By: Silke Helfrich, David Bollier (Ed.)

Untertitel: Muster gemeinsamen Handelns Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung: Die Logik des Kapitalismus heißt teilen. Nur teilen darin nicht die Menschen, sondern sie werden geteilt. Der britische Historiker E.P. Thompson befindet deshalb: "Es war immer ein Problem, Commons in kapitalistischen Kategorien zu erklären." Wer die Welt der Commons betritt, begegnet einer anderen Logik, einer anderen Sprache un...

Scientific paper • 2015


Collective ownership in renewable energy and opportunities for sustainable degrowth

By: Conrad Kunze, Sören Becker

Community energy, Remunicipalisation, Energy cooperatives, Energy geography, Degrowth, Renewable energy, Energy transition

Scientific paper • 2015


An overview of local credit systems and their implications for post-growth

By: Julien-François Gerber

Credit, Debt, Money, Growth, Degrowth, Post-growth, Capitalism

Report • 2015


Is Europe staring at a second Renaissance?

By: Ashish Kothari

The publisher: Across Europe, as economies find themselves tottering in the face of deepening financial and social crises, various alternative initiatives are gaining ground, providing hope for a different future. Ashish Kothari writes on some of these.

Report • 2015


Kitchen for all

By: Marc Menningmann

Short video about the people's kitchen at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig 2014.

• 2014


Eurotopia: Leben in Gemeinschaft - Verzeichnis von Gemeinschaften und Ökodörfern in Europa

By: Michael Würfel,‎ Diana Leaves Christian,‎ Dieter Halbach,‎ Marcus Andreas

Inhalt: -430 Gemeinschaften, Ökodörfer, Siedlungs- und Wohnprojekte stellen sich vor -Artikel zur Gemeinschaftsgründung, zur gesellschaftlichen Relevanz von Gemeinschaften, zur wissenschaftlichen Forschung in und über Gemeinschaften und mehr… -Vorstellung von Gemeinschaftsnetzwerken mit weiteren Gemeinschaftsdaten -Nützliche Adressen aus ganz Europa -Aktuelle Ausgabe 2014 - Ergänzungen, Ko...

Interview • 2014


Die Wachstumsdebatte ist die größte Herausforderung für Mensch und Natur

By: Helmut Röscheisen, Marion Busch

Herausgeber_innen: Mit minimalem Ressourcenverbrauch, Nullwachstum und im Frieden miteinander leben – das ist die Vision einer Gesellschaft, in der die Menschen vielleicht glücklicher sind als heute. Das setzt aber voraus, dass das Gemeinwohl in den Vordergrund rückt und die individuen sich umeinander kümmern, sagt der Generalsekretär des deutschen Naturschutzrings Helmut Röscheisen.

Position paper • 2014


Convivialist Manifesto. A declaration of interdependence

By: Les Convivialistes

From the book: "A different kind of world is not just possible; it is a crucial and urgent necessity. But where do we start when it comes to envisaging the shape it should take and working out how to bring it about? The Convivialist Manifesto seeks to highlight the similarities between the many initiatives already engaged in building that world and to draw out the common political philosophy th...

Report • 2014

Image Text

Aufbruchtage - Gartenbrot und Schrebernot ...

By: Schattenblick

Bericht von der Degrowth Konferenz 2014 in Leipzig zur Veranstaltung "Mutter Erde Essen. Ist ein solidarisches Essverhalten möglich?" mit Elisabeth Meyer-Renschhausen. Aus dem Bericht: "Ist ein solidarisches Eßverhalten möglich?" Die im Diskussionsworkshop der Referentin Elisabeth Meyer-Renschhausen im Rahmen der Internationalen Degrowth-Konferenz am 4. September in Leipzig aufgeworfene Frage ...

• 2014


Die Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie

By: Christian Felber

www.christian-felber.at: Eine demokratische Initiative wächst. Christian Felbers alternatives Wirtschaftsmodell wird nach nur vier Jahren von mehr als 1700 Unternehmen und 200 Organisationen unterstützt, zahlreiche Personen und Institutionen sowie Schulen und Universitäten aus halb Europa und weiten Teilen Lateinamerikas beteiligen sich. Felbers Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie beruht – wie eine Marktwirtsc...

Presentation • 2014


A worldwide energy revolution?

By: Camila Moreno, Patrick Bond, Jonathan Neale, Nina Netzer

Panel discussion at the the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. Speakers: Camila Moreno, Patrick Bond, Jonathan Neale Facilitation: Nina Netzer From the conference programme: The extensive use of dirty energy sources causes severe environmental and social damages while 2,7 billion people have no access to modern energ...

Position paper • 2014


GAP working group 2014 - Social Security

By: Degrowth Conference Leipzig 2014

Results from the GAP (Group Assembly Process) Group Social Security at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig 2014 Proposals for the Transformation > System for the process of transformation. > Avoiding future path dependencies (e.g. with regard to time banks → establishment of a bargaining, care not done by humanity, but by reward-seeking). Vision > Access to Care should be uncon...

Position paper • 2014


GAP working group 2014 - Redefining Value

By: Degrowth Conference Leipzig 2014

Results from the GAP (Group Assembly Process) Group Redefining Value at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig 2014 Primacy of needs WHAT? > Primacy of self-determined human fundamental needs for all (e.g. Max-Neef's human scale development approach: subsistance, protection, affection, understanding, participation, leisure, creation, identity and freedom). > Counscious human responsabil...

Position paper • 2014


An Economy of Permanence and Rethinking Value

By: Rajni Bakshi

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Redefining Value.

Scientific paper • 2014


Education for Life: participation in the transformation of a common

By: Claudia Gómez Portugal

Abstract: The great challenge of our time is to build and nurture sustainable communities. Increasingly often environmental, social and existential crisis among others, evidence unsustainability of the development model. Face this systemic crisis involves recognizing the need to create new structures and organizational forms that include a new education, that primarily respond the paradigm shif...

Scientific paper • 2014


Education for Life and the Free Learning Communities for Life

By: Claudia Gómez Portugal

Abstract: The great challenge of our time is to build and nurture sustainable communities, the environmental, social and existential crisis, among others, increasingly evident the unsustainable of the development model. Address this systemic crisis involves recognizing the need to create new structures and forms of organization. Its necessary a new education to generate a genuine change, mainly...

Scientific paper • 2014


The End of 'Education': Learning from Home Education

By: Leslie Safran

Abstract: Many families turn to home education neighbourhood groups for support, resources and guidance. This paper will briefly outline the context of home education in the UK and US, describe three different types of home education neighbourhood group as communities of practice (Wenger, 1998), and examine how the members of these communities learn through participation in such groups. It will...

Scientific paper • 2014


Vertical Urban Garden

By: Alexander Stumm, Henry Anderson

Abstract: In the last years architectural interventions in urban space have shown their potential both on a social and a aesthetic level. The vertical urban garden is a multi-storey garden for the community, a meeting-point in the city, a space for cultural activities and recreation. The construction is based on the possibilities of the scaffolding system, is easy and cost-efficently to assembl...

Scientific paper • 2014



By: Tamás Kahulits T.

Abstract: Our society shares a deep faith, an unquestionable belief that education is something good by its very nature. What I want to "dialogize" is that the education systems around the world, and schools in todays Super-Capitalism are the (1) depositories and reproducers of the structural injustice (2) the instruments of institutionalized dehumanization and (3) the manifestations of the fet...