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Showing 3581 items

• 2017


Accelerationism… and degrowth?

By: Aaron Vansintjan

The left’s strange bedfellows Over a year ago I lived in Barcelona, where I was lucky enough to witness a social movement—in large part fuelled by cooperatives, squats, and other autonomous spaces—win the mayoral elections. I had spent the year being involved with a group that studies and advocates ‘degrowth’—the idea that we must downscale

Report • 2017


Moving Away From the Pro-Growth Economy

By: Erika Gavenus

Introduction: The current economic system being utilized and internalized relies on perpetual growth. It has long operated counter to the reality that we are confined to a finite planet with finite resources. Yet, this system continues to be practiced and promoted globally. As the environmental and social repercussions of disbelief in limits become increasingly clear, so does our need for a new...

Scientific paper • 2017


Finding common ground: exploring synergies between degrowth and environmental justice in Chiapas, Mexico

By: Jonathan Otto

Key Words: Degrowth, environmental justice, contestation, Mexico

• 2017


Salidas del laberinto capitalista: decrecimiento y postextractivismo

By: Alberto Acosta

About the book: Review of the frameworks of degrowth and post-extractivism in the context of the global ecological crisis with particular reference to the fetish of economic growth and the extractivist economy in the Global South (and in Latin America in particular). ISBN 13: 9788498887792

Scientific paper • 2017


Framing the future of fracking: discursive lock-in or energy degrowth in the Netherlands?

By: Tamara Metze

Keywords: Degrowth; Technology; Hydraulic fracturing; Shale gas; Framing; Socio-technological futures

Scientific paper • 2017


Degrowth and collaborative value creation: Reflections on concepts and technologies

By: Stephan Hankammer, Robin Kleer

Keywords: Degrowth; Collaborative value creation; Technology

Scientific paper • 2017


The Matrix of Convivial Technology?Assessing technologies for degrowth

By: Andrea Vetter

Keywords: Conviviality; Ethics of technology; Ethnography; Degrowth; Open Source; Ivan Illich

Scientific paper • 2017


Degrowth and post-extractivism: two debates with suggestions for the inclusive development framework

By: Ulrich Brand, Tobias Boos, Alina Brad

Abstract: Two thrilling academic debates are taking place in different parts of the world. In Europe, the concept of degrowth is gaining in importance as a strategy to reorient societies and create well-being against the imperatives of capitalist growth. In Latin America, there is a post-extractivism or good living critique of the currently dominant development model of neo-extractivism. Only r...

Scientific paper • 2017


Carbon trading dogma: Theoretical assumptions and practical implications of global carbon markets

By: Emanuele Leonardi

carbon markets, carbon commodities, financialization, cognitive capitalism, carbon trading dogma, second order abstraction

• 2017


Decolonizing the North, decolonizing the South: de-growth, post-development, and their cultural representations in Spain and Latin America

By: José Manuel Marrero Henríquez

Article by Luis I. Prádanos in the book Transatlantic landscapes - environmental awareness, literature, and the arts

Scientific paper • 2017


Degrowth, Commons and Climate Justice: Ecofeminist Insights and Indigenous Political Traditions

By: Patricia E. Perkins

<strong>Keywords:</strong> climate justice, community resilience, community development, climate risk reduction, extreme weather events, social capital, participatory governance, ecological economics, political ecology, ecofeminism, social learning, subsistence, resource governance, degrowth

Interview • 2017


Entwicklung ist eine Fata Morgana

By: Matthias Schmelzer, Alberto Acosta

Interview mit Alberto Acosta, geführt von Matthias Schmelzer Spätestens seit Geflüchtete im Sommer 2015 das europäische Grenzregime vorübergehend aus den Angeln gehoben haben, ist die Beschäftigung mit Fluchtursachen zu einem politischen Dauerbrenner avanciert. Dabei wird die Diskussion vor allem von Seiten der Regierungen und der Rechten geführt, mit dem Ziel, Migration von vornherein zu ve...

Report • 2017


Research & Degrowth Newsletter - May 2017

By: Research & Degrowth

Yet another editorial where the highlight is the high number of academic publications in degrowth. The multidisciplinary nature of these publications (technology, health, culture, happiness, extractivism, policies, transition, power, strategies, etc) explore the different roots, challenges and proposals of degrowth. This newsletter introduces the Feminisms and Degrowth Alliance (FaDA), a mu...

• 2017


Entropia by Samuel Alexander

By: Kevin Karaca

Review from Kevin Karaca on the book "Entropia - Life beyond Industrial Civilisation" by Samuel Alexander Introduction: Peak Oil is around the corner. The rise in the political-right sends hints that the neoliberal project is coming to an end. Economic growth is being questioned by many. What could a post-growth society look like?

• 2017


Digitalisierung und Postwachstum

By: Andrea Vetter

Digitalisierung wird eine wichtige Rolle in ökonomischen und politischen Entwicklungen einnehmen. Aus diesem Grund sollten sich soziale Bewegungen mit dem Thema auseinandersetzen und in die gesellschaftliche Debatte einbringen. Steffen Lange sieht vor allem fünf Bereiche, in denen sich Themen der Degrowth-Bewegung und der Digitalisierungsdebatte überschneiden:

• 2017


Dragon Dreaming and Degrowth

By: John Croft, Julia Kommerell

Dragon Dreaming offers simple, objective and playful tools for visionary processes, planning, implementation, evaluation and celebration to make our dreams come true. Thus it helps building a degrowth society.

Scientific paper • 2017


Optimal Versus Sustainable Degrowth Policies

By: Marc Germain

Keywords: Degrowth; Steady state economics; Pollution tax; Intergenerational equity

• 2017


Neben uns die Sintflut

By: Stephan Lessenich

Der Verlag: Wer zahlt den Preis für unseren Wohlstand? Der Soziologe Stephan Lessenich über das soziale Versagen unserer Weltordnung. Uns im Westen geht es gut, weil es den meisten Menschen anderswo schlecht geht. Wir lagern systematisch Armut und Ungerechtigkeit aus, im kleinen wie im großen Maßstab. Und wir alle verdrängen unseren Anteil an dieser Praxis. Der renommierte Soziologe Stephan Le...

• 2017


How do we humans change course?

By: Susan Paulson

Anthropological thoughts on degrowth Degrowth energizes and interconnects remarkably heterodox thinking and surprisingly heterogeneous action. To advance dialogue among diverse pathways, a recent JPE issue on “Degrowth, Culture and Power” joins studies of 15 initiatives to forge worlds that prioritize well-being, equity and sustainability rather than expansion. My introduction to that issue exp...

Scientific paper • 2017


Steering clear of politics: local virtues in Helsinki's design activism

By: Eeva Berglund

Keywords: social movements; Finland; urban/DIY activism; design