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Blog • 10.02.2016

Beyond Paris: avoiding the trap of carbon metrics

Emissions 1

By: Camila Moreno

Until recently terms like “carbon accounting,” “carbon footprint” and “carbon offsetting” would have raised some quizzical eyebrows among the general public. Today, such carbon-based metrics are everywhere, but are they helpful or unhelpful in motivating the necessary action on climate change? Although the case for metrics may seem incontrovertible, what is measured is always a political choic...

Blog • 23.12.2015

Video: Degrowth Summer School & Climate Camp 2015

The Degrowth Summer School 2015 took place at the climate camp in the Rhineland. The Rhineland is one of the biggest lignite mining regions, the biggest source of CO2 in Europe. To protest against climate-damaging industry and resource extraction, different movements which have a lot in common and share ambitions get together and work on alternatives and a social transformation. A video by Raut...

Blog • 13.12.2015

"No action, just promises" – Critical reactions to the Paris climate agreement

Climate change

By: Christiane Kliemann

While world leaders were still celebrating the Paris climate agreement adopted at the UN climate change conference in Paris as a "major leap for mankind", critical voices had already denounced the paper as "fraud", "epic fail" and "trade agreement". With this, they point to the discrepancy between the agreed commitment to hold the "increase in the global average temperature to well below 2C abo...

Blog • 04.12.2015

Degrowth Conference 2016 - Call for special sessions

The next International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity will start on the 30th of August 2016 in Budapest. To take actively part in the conference one can now follow the call for special sessions or one of the the other calls yet to come. There are two special session formats one for “academic special sessions” and one for “degrowth-in-action special sessio...

Blog • 13.11.2015

Everyone talks about Volkswagen, but the real question is hardly ever touched


By: Christiane Kliemann

Day after day the media, at least the German ones, reveal new allegations against Volkswagen. Now that the scandal around the manipulated testing software for diesel emissions is widening, many fear that the current crisis will hit the company and the German automotive industry so badly that it will affect the whole German economy. This is no wonder, considering the widespread belief - also rei...

Blog • 05.11.2015


More than a year ago the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity took place in Leipzig. Now the jubilee video "Metamorphoses" is available with english subtitles: Metamorphosen [Metamorphoses] from Marc Menningmann on Vimeo. At the opening of the Degrowth Conference 2014 the sound-artist Pablo Paolo Kilian preformed his piece of music "Metamo...