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Blog • 10.08.2015

Summer School opens with Clear Vision for Movement and Action


By: Christiane Kliemann

By Christiane Kliemann With the Summer School in the lignite-mining area of the German Rhineland, for the first time the degrowth and climate justice movement are explicitly thought together. This is why the opening panel "No Climate Justice without Degrowth" had the interesting task to draw the very big picture and join the dots between climate change, degrowth, climate justice and the strugg...

Blog • 07.08.2015

Degrowth project funding

The degrowth-conference took place in Leipzig in September 2014. Fortunately, the collected voluntary participation fee was higher than expected. This enables the conference team to allocate 9.000 Euro for project funding. Be it the promotion of discussions, the generation of knowledge, the education of people or a practical activity: The money should go to support small projects and courage...

Blog • 03.08.2015

Summer school: last-minute change of venue!

Shortly before the start of the Climate Camp and the Degrowth Summer School, we are changing the venue of our camp. We have found an even better place in close proximity to the open cast mine Garzweiler. Further information is available here

Blog • 03.08.2015

Naomi Klein, Bill McKibben endorse anti-coal action in the Rhineland


In two statements, internationally renowned climate-activists Naomi Klein and Bill McKibben have raised their voices to support the mass-action against coal-mining in the Rhineland that will take place right after our summer school. Naomi Klein, author of "This changes everything. Capitalism vs the Climate" emphasizes the importance of the German anti-coal struggle for the global climate: "Ge...

Blog • 27.07.2015

Post-Development Discourse: Lessons for the degrowth movement (Part 2)

Post development 2

By: Lasse Thiele

By Lasse Thiele The first part of this article offered an introduction to post-development thought, which for decades has been trying to deconstruct Western models of prosperity and growth. This second part introduces some of the countless linkages between critiques of development and contemporary European critiques of growth. The discourse on sufficiency for example - the idea of recognizing...

Blog • 20.07.2015

Post-Development Discourse: Lessons for the Degrowth Movement (Part 1)

Post development

By: Lasse Thiele

By Lasse Thiele Is degrowth only conceivable in the context of “oversaturated” industrial societies while the global “South” remains dependent on growth? In two installments, this article questions such assumptions. In this first part it introduces positions critical of development which refuse to adopt the Western model of prosperity; the second part will focus on the analysis of these positi...