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Showing 3581 items

Scientific paper • 2014


Questions of good life - some reflections with regard to the Swiss society

By: Dietmar Wetzel

Abstract: This contribution attempts to raise some conceptual reflections about the debate with regard to the conditions of an embodiment of the “good life” into social movements, especially with regard to the situation in Switzerland. Although we find – in comparison with other countries – in Switzerland a very rich und prosperous society, there are emerging alternative life forms which are no...

• 2014


Die Ökonomisierung der Sorgearbeit

By: aboutsource

Wer produziert, muss auch die Möglichkeit haben, seine Arbeitskraft zu reproduzieren. Unser heutiges Leben in einer westlichen Gesellschaft untersteht der Logik des Kapitalismus. Ist es da nicht folgerichtig, auch den Reproduktionsaspekt des Alltags in das ökonomische System einzugliedern? Die Antwort auf diese Frage lautet meiner Meinung nach: nein, und zwar aus folgenden Gründen: Bis vor weni...

Position paper • 2014


GAP working group 2014 - Solidarity Economy, Cooperatives and Social Business

By: Degrowth Conference Leipzig 2014

Results from the GAP (Group Assembly Process) Group Solidarity Economy, Cooperatives and Social Business at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig 2014 Vision > We have to get rid of large scale “for-profit” corporations. > Make an economy in the sense of “people before profit”. Transformation > What role can private Enterprise play in the Transition towards Solidarity Economy? &...

Position paper • 2014


GAP working group 2014 - Basic income

By: Degrowth Conference Leipzig 2014

Results from the GAP (Group Assembly Process) Group Basic income at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig 2014 > Universal Basic Income (UBI) would improve social justice and decrease inequalities which is a precondition for degrowth. > UBI would provide free space for discussing and testing meaningful lifestyles and production, and re-appropriating autonomy and democracy. > UBI woul...

Scientific paper • 2014


The economics of slow growth

By: Sjak Smulders

Abstract: We document two stylized facts. First, most periods in history have been characterized by per capita GDP growth that was an order of magnitude slower than modern growth in the “old world”. Second, most countries with capitalists institutions have grown steadily and relatively fast. This presents us with a puzzle: does the recent growth slowdown in the capitalist old world mean that th...

Scientific paper • 2014


The concept limitations to ecosystem services valuation

By: Marta Szkaradkiewicz, Jan Kazak, Szymon Szewranski

Abstract: The concept of ecosystem services has recently gained relatively a lot attention in the academic debates. The concept is derived from the ecological economics discipline. Thus it combines ecological implications and economic approach. The ecosystem services may be perceived as a different approach to the notion of natural capital which is one of the capitals sustainable development pa...

Scientific paper • 2014


How should degrowth address the issue of “planetary boundaries”?

By: Tone Smith-Spash

planetary boundaries, intrinsic value, democratic decision-making, objective knowledge, critical realism

Interview • 2014

Image Text

Aufbruchtage - Neue Formen des Protestes ... Bengi Akbulut im Gespräch

By: Bengi Akbulut, Schattenblick

Interview mit Bengi Akbulut im Rahmen der Degrowth Konferenz 2014 in Leipzig. Aus dem Interview: Nach ihrem Vortrag beantwortete Bengi Akbulut dem Schattenblick einige Fragen zur jüngeren Entwicklung sozialer Bewegungen in der Türkei und zum Verhältnis ökologischer und sozialer Fragestellungen. . . . Interview/060 aus der Rubrik "Bürger/Gesellschaft" > "Report" von der Zeitung Schattenb...

Scientific paper • 2014


Degrowth: A Vocabulary for a New Era

By: Federico Demaria, Giacomo D’Alisa, Giorgos Kallis (ed.)

Anti-utilitarianism, Bio-economics, Environmental Justice, Simplicity, Conviviality, Autonomy, Care, Commons, Dépense

Scientific paper • 2014


Locking in or helping shift? Trends and developments affecting sustainable resource use and degrowth

By: Martin Hirschnitz-Garbers, Susanne Langsdorf

Abstract: A number of global megatrends are challenging the likelihood and feasibility of options for degrowth: Rising global population and affluence levels, proliferation of westernized lifestyles and production and consumption patterns with associated resource use needs and environmental impacts jeopardize the earth’s carrying capacity. Degrowth in the sense of socially sustainably and equit...

Scientific paper • 2014


Business, postgrowth – theses and recommendations

By: Angelika Zahrnt, Jana Gebauer

Abstract: Businesses are not only driving contemporary ideas of progressive economic growth. They are also driven by them as they often perceive an economic and societal pressure to permanently grow in size. At the same time, many companies face stagnant or shrinking markets, resource scarcities, crises or far-reaching demographic trends. Academic and political debates on limits to growth and p...

Scientific paper • 2014


Happy for How Long? How Social Capital and GDP relate to happiness over time

By: Stefano Bartolini, Francesco Sarracino

Abstract: What does predict the evolution over time of subjective well-being? We correlate the trends of subjective well-being with the trends of social capital and/or GDP. We find that in the long and medium run social capital largely predicts the trends of subjective well-being. In the short-term this relation- ship weakens. Indeed, in the short run, changes in social capital predict a much s...

Position paper • 2014


Basic Income and a Degrowth Project?

By: Vincent Liegey

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Basic income.

• 2014


Wie politische Bildung wirkt - Wirkungsstudie zur biographischen Nachhaltigkeit politischer Jugendbildung

By: Nadine Balzter, Yan Ristau, Achim Schröder

Mit der Wirkungsstudie wird erstmals empirisch belegt, wie sich politische Jugendbildung längerfristig auswirkt und in politischen Haltungen sowie politischen Aktivitäten von Teilnehmenden niederschlägt. Dazu haben die Forscher junge Erwachsene biographisch-narrativ interviewt, die etwa fünf Jahre zuvor an Veranstaltungen und Projekten der politischen Jugendbildung teilgenommen haben. Die Anal...

Interview • 2014


Degrowth: Leben und Wirtschaften jenseits des Wachstums (Teil 2)

By: Kontext TV

Quelle: www.kontext-tv.de   Gäste: Barbara Muraca, Philosophin an der Universität Jena, Autorin des Buches "Gut Leben. Eine Gesellschaft jenseits des Wachstums" Michel Bauwens, Gründer und Direktor der Peer-to-Peer Foundation (P2P) Tony Greenham, New Economics Foundation, London / Transition Network Sarah Ackerbauer, Transition Town / Dresden im Wandel Benjamin Best, Wuppertal Institut ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Local renewable energy systems in the Czech republic – the cae of Vilémov

By: Hans Diefenbacher, Roman Juriga

Abstract: The third contribution in the special session on the legacy of Richard Douthwaite will try to apply his findings to the development of the general energy situation in the Czech republic within the last twentyfive years. It will be argued that the transformation of the Czech economy and society since 1989 included developments that, to our opinion, crave for a n adjustment by the make-...

Report • 2014


Walk the line: Transformative practices for post-growth

By: Angelika Zahrnt, Jana Gebauer, André Reichel, Martin Schweighofer

Documentation of the event "Walk the line: Transformative practices for post-growth" at the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. From the conference programme: Panel discussion & world café: Post-growth practices are already developing. Within this workshop we intend to discuss: - The co-evolutionary relation of post-...

Art contribution • 2014


Installations / Installationen Degrowth Conference 2014

By: Stella Veciana, Jaana Prüss, Dan Norton, Herwig Kemmerich

[gallery link="file" columns="4" ids="105123,105122,105121,105120"] From the conference programme: ELIJAHS BALL, Sculpture, Herwig Kemmerich A long time ago the prophet Elijah coined the expression: “grass will grow on your cities”. Reflecting ecological challenges in post-industrial society, the wrecking ball can represent deconstruction on a material level, it can be read as a symbol agai...

Scientific paper • 2014


Improving understanding on degrowth pathways: An exploratory study using collaborative causal models

By: Giorgos Kallis, François Schneider, Filka Sekulova, Nuno Videira

Degrowth; Systems thinking; Causal loop diagrams; Pathways; Participatory modelling

Art contribution • 2014


Short film walk / Kurzfilmwanderung

By: Luc-Carolin Ziemann

[gallery link="file" columns="4" ids="100383,100384,100385,100386"] From the conference programme: Join in for a stroll through the city of Leipzig. Equipped with a projector, sound system, generator and short films the short film walking tour starts in the court of the university. On the way through the city gray facades are animated with scintillating pictures and empty streets are filled ...