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Showing 157 items

Presentation • 2018


First North-South Conference on Degrowth-Descrecimiento, México City 2018 - Sustainable structures of living together and degrowth in the energy sector

By: Manu Mathai

This presentation outlines an approach to imagine an energy policy break from the growth status quo.

Scientific paper • 2018


An Anarchism for Today: The Simpler Way

By: Ted Trainer

Abstract: A sustainable and just world cannot be achieved without enormous structural and cultural change. The argument presented below is that when our situation is understood in terms of resource and ecological limits, it is evident firstly that getting rid of capitalism is not sufficient. A satisfactory alternative society cannot be highly industrialised or centralised, and it must involve ...

• 2017

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Art Against Empire: Toward an Aesthetics of Degrowth

By: Samuel Alexander

Abstract: What role might art need to play in the transition beyond consumer capitalism? Can ‘culture jamming’ contribute to the necessary revolution in consciousness? And might art be able to provoke social change in ways that rational argument and scientific evidence cannot? In this new book I explore these questions, both in theory and practice. I begin with a theoretical defence of art a...

• 2017


A Political Party Argues for Degrowth

By: Sergi Saladié

Translation (from Spanish) of an interview with Sergi Saladié, spokesperson for the CUP (Popular Unity List) group, from the website 15-15-15. Degrowth to be discussed in the Catalonian Parliament. An interview with Sergi Saladié, parliamentary member Popular Unity List – Consitituent Call.

Report • 2017

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Zero Carbon Britain: Making it Happen

By: Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT)

CAT about the report: The UN Paris Agreement states that humanity must reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by the middle of this century. This is a big shift, but we have no option other than to succeed if we are to avoid really dangerous climate change. Previous Zero Carbon Britain research from the Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) has shown that we can meet this challenge using te...

Scientific paper • 2017


Degrowth, anthropology, and activist research: the ontological politics of science

By: Ulrich Demmer, Agata Hummel

Key words: ontological politics, activist research, degrowth, alternatives to modernity

Scientific paper • 2017


Steering clear of politics: local virtues in Helsinki's design activism

By: Eeva Berglund

Keywords: social movements; Finland; urban/DIY activism; design

Scientific paper • 2017


Community, commons, and degrowth at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage

By: Joshua Lockyer

Key words: commons, degrowth, ecovillages, intentional communities, participatory action research, transition discourses

Report • 2017


Budapest Degrowth Conference Report

By: Degrowth Conference Budapest 2016 Team

Report from the Degrowth Conference 2016 in Budapest, written by members of the organising team. Contents I. Introduction Why Budapest? Specific aims of the Budapest local organisation committee (LOC) Principles of organization II. The conference Key themes Program and formats The partnership Re-localization III. Degrowth week Program and elements The participants The partne...

Scientific paper • 2016


Contemplative practices to support Degrowth and stem the tide of de-Indigenization

By: Derek Rasmussen

My presentation seeks to weave my 20 years of work with Nunavut Inuit with my meditation teaching among non-Indigenous Euro-Canadians. ‘The Great Transformation’ of market relations compelled a great transformation of learning: disembedding and extracting it from communities and converting it into a scarce new substance called Education. Education is hydroponic cultural transmission for uproot...

Scientific paper • 2016


Unpackaged: factors that drive consumers to package-free retail

By: Hana Hrstkova

Sustainable food systems signal a need to return to local, organic and low footprint food provisions, implying also reduction of waste and packaging. Rather than looking at the waste issue from the post-consumption perspective (approaches that have dominated over the recent decades), this paper attempts to shed more light on the prevention of consumer packaging waste through unpackaged shoppi...

• 2016


Die Welt reparieren - Open Source und Selbermachen als postkapitalistische Praxis

By: Christa Müller, Andrea Baier, Karin Werner, Tom Hansing

Weltweit entstehen immer mehr Initiativen des Selbermachens, in denen eine Vielfalt von Anliegen und Problemen kollektiv bearbeitet werden. In diesen – jenseits von Markt und Staat angesiedelten – kollaborativen Zusammenhängen wird ein basisdemokratisch orientiertes Verständnis von Zusammenleben und Urbanität erprobt und zugleich nach ökologisch und sozial sinnvollen Lösungen für grundlegende F...

• 2016

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Degrowth - is it time for a new kind of economics?

By: Ruby Russell

From the text: At the Cyclonomia bike kitchen in Budapest, all tools and equipment are communally owned. The around 300 members drop in to the basement workshop to not only fix up their rides, but also to build them - cargo bikes in particular. It's part of an experiment in "new ways of re-localizing the economy," says co-founder Adrien Despoisse. Re-localization, Despoisse explains, is about...

Report • 2016


Demain / Tomorrow

By: Mélanie Laurent, Cyril Dion, Bruno Levy

demain-lefilm.com: Showing solutions, telling a feel-good story… this may be the best way to solve the ecological, economical and social crises that our countries are going through. After a special briefing for the journal Nature announced the possible extinction of a part of mankind before the end of the 21st century, Cyril Dion and Mélanie Laurent, together with a team of four people, carried...

Interview • 2016


„Der Planet hat Grenzen“

By: Vincent Liegey

Vincent Liegey im Kontext der Degrowth Konferenz 2016 in Budapest im Interview mit der taz. Aus dem Interview: taz: Herr Liegey, Sie koordinieren die 5. internationale Degrowth-Konferenz in Budapest. Was ist „Degrowth“? Vincent Liegey: Degrowth hinterfragt das Dogma des ewigen Wirtschaftswachstums. Der Planet, auf dem wir leben, hat Grenzen, die wir nicht einfach überschreiten können. Die...

• 2016


Ecommony - UmCARE zum Miteinander

By: Friederike Habermann

Prinzipien für ein neues Wirtschaftssystem zu (er-)finden ist keine reine Frage der Theorie, denn solche Prinzipien zeichnen sich bereits in den praktischen Ansätzen anderen Wirtschaftens, bei sozialen Bewegungen, in technischen Entwicklungen und nicht zuletzt im Alltag von immer mehr Menschen ab. Wesentlich in all dem ist der Begriff ›Commons‹. Damit wird Eigentum, das auf Ausschluss beruht, d...

• 2016


Ökoroutine - Damit wir tun, was wir für richtig halten

By: Michael Kopatz

Dieses Buch macht Schluss mit umweltmoralischen Appellen! Es zeigt: Wir können nachhaltig leben, ohne uns tagtäglich mit Klimawandel oder Massentierhaltung befassen zu müssen. Wir machen ökologisches Leben einfach zur Routine! Was unmöglich erscheint, ist konzeptionell einfach: Mülltrennung, Sparlampen, Effizienzhäuser – alles längst akzeptiert oder in Reichweite. Was wir zur Durchsetzung eine...

Scientific paper • 2016


A practice approach to the institutionalization of economic degrowth

By: Maria Joutsenvirta

Degrowth; Institutionalization; Practice theory; Power; Economic alternatives

• 2016

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Can Masdeu: A Catalan Eco-Community Showing the Potential of Degrowth

By: Steve Rushton

A report about the Catalan Eco-Community "Can Masdeu" From the text: . . . But Can Masdeu’s importance goes beyond the local: it demonstrates there are alternatives to a growth and profit-based system. It continues to host international convergences and meetings, from squatting to anti-fracking. The community also provides a space for eco-innovations. There are solar ovens and showers, worm ...

Scientific paper • 2015


‘Saving’ the city: Collective low‐budget organizing and urban practice

By: Heike Derwanz, Paula Bialski, Birke Otto, Hans Vollmer

This special issue of ephemera is focused on recent research that aims to map, describe, and track the social practices of collective organising on a low budget in cities today.