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Scientific paper • 2016
Ivan Illich argued that a revolution in the health field is crucial and “integral to a society-wide criticism and restraint of the industrial mode of production”. Recently, in order to develop this stream of thought, several authors have tried to re-think health in the conceptual frame of degrowth and, in parallel, practical initiatives and networks have been developed. In this presentation, ...
Scientific paper • 2016
By: Ludivine Damay, Anne Guisset
In different cities around the world, one can find a lot of citizen initiatives that propose alternatives to the main consumerist and capitalist logic of production and consumption (Pleyers, 2011). They defend other conceptions of society through cooperative, networks for exchanging goods and services, collective vegetable gardens, “repair cafés”, local currencies, etc. This communication is ...
Report • 2016
By: Mélanie Laurent, Cyril Dion, Bruno Levy Showing solutions, telling a feel-good story… this may be the best way to solve the ecological, economical and social crises that our countries are going through. After a special briefing for the journal Nature announced the possible extinction of a part of mankind before the end of the 21st century, Cyril Dion and Mélanie Laurent, together with a team of four people, carried...
Interview • 2016
By: Ruth Kohn
Ruth Krohn im Kontext des Klimacamps im Rheinland 2016 im Interview mit der Taz. Aus dem Interview: Ein Klimacamp im Rheinland will die Gesellschaft von morgen leben. Veranstalterin Ruth Krohn über mögliche Lösungsansätze und Ziele. taz: Frau Krohn, am Wochenende treffen sich rund 400 Menschen auf einer Wiese irgendwo im Rheinland. Was ist da los? Ruth Krohn: Wir veranstalten zum zweit...
• 2016
"Degrowth aims at undoing growth. Undoing growth both at the level of social structures and social imaginaries. Although the focus is very often on the latter, i.e. the “decolonization of imaginaries” as put by Serge Latouche, the degrowth perspective still seems to lack a comprehensive understanding of the role of ideology, the path dependencies and the power that shape these imaginations. (.....
• 2016
By: Lucie Bardos
On the Need for Collaboration Between Social Movements and Activisms. The article sheds the light on the fact that most of the people engaged in the international transition town movement are white educated middle class. It concludes that the integration of other perspectives through a facilitated "opening-up process" would make the transition town movement more inclusive. Published on Degro...
• 2016
The 2nd Degrowth Summerschool will take place on the Climate Camp in the Rhineland from the 19th to the 23rd of August 2016. “Skills for System Change“ will be the motto of a diverse programme dealing with alternatives to the current economic system. Right after the Summer School has ended, the Action Lab will take place from the 24th to the 29th of August. Melanie and Milan, who are involved i...
• 2016
Vom 19. bis 23. August 2016 findet die 2. Degrowth-Sommerschule auf dem Klimacamp im Rheinland statt. Unter dem Motto „Skills for System Change“ wird es mit einem vielfältigen Programm um gelebte Alternativen zum aktuellen Wirtschaftssystem gehen. Nachdem die Sommerschule zu Ende gegangen ist, beginnt auf dem Klimacamp das „Aktionslabor“, das vom 24.-29. August geht. Was es damit auf sich hat u...
Interview • 2016
By: Marc Menningmann
About Climate Justice & Degrowth from Raute Film on Vimeo. Raute Film: The Degrowth Summer School 2015 took place at the climate camp in the Rhineland. The Rhineland is one of the biggest lignite mining regions, the biggest source of CO2 in Europe. To protest against climate-damaging industry and resource extraction, different movements, which have a lot in common and share ambitions, ...
• 2016
By: Fabian Scheidler
"Opening a newspaper or listening to the radio news exposes us to a flood of catastrophic messages: devastating droughts, failing states, terrorist attacks, and financial crashes. You can look at all those incidents as unconnected singular phenomena, which is exactly what the common presentation of news suggests. From another angle, however, they appear as symptoms of a systemic crisis, with di...
• 2016
By: Steve Rushton
A report about the Catalan Eco-Community "Can Masdeu" From the text: . . . But Can Masdeu’s importance goes beyond the local: it demonstrates there are alternatives to a growth and profit-based system. It continues to host international convergences and meetings, from squatting to anti-fracking. The community also provides a space for eco-innovations. There are solar ovens and showers, worm ...
Scientific paper • 2016
By: Leah Temper, Daniela Del Bene, Joan Martinez‐Alier, Arnim Scheidel
Keywords: Environmental justice, ecological distribution conflicts, collaborative research, activist knowledge, EJatlas, environmental racism, environmentalism of the poor, climate justice, statistical political ecology
• 2016
By: Dennis Eversberg
"Although growth-critique is currently in vogue and degrowth is mentioned favorably even by the pope in his most recent encyclical, there is as yet almost no scientific research on degrowth as a social movement. We can now present the first empirical findings on the character of this movement, based on a survey we did at the 2014 Degrowth-Conference in Leipzig, in which 814 conference participa...
• 2016
By: Dennis Eversberg, Matthias Schmelzer
"Auch wenn Wachstumskritik en vogue ist – in einer Rangliste der „Top 10 Grassroots Movements“ des australischen „Shift Magazine“ nahm es jüngst sogar den ersten Platz ein – gibt es zu Degrowth als einer sozialen Bewegung bisher kaum Forschungen. In einem neu erscheinenden Aufsatz im Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen präsentieren wir – basierend auf einer Fragebogenerhebung, an der sich 814 ...
Art contribution • 2015
By: cre-act
More and more people realize we need activism for change, but how can we stay active in the long run? I made a zine exploring sustainable activism, with contributions from activists in Europe. You can read it here and download the pdf version. Dutch and English and German and English. The contributions are written in German, Dutch and English. They are not translated, so ask your friend...
Presentation • 2015
By: Gill Seyfang
Plenary speech by Gill Seyfang Q&A session with Gill Seyfang and Sigrid Stagl Plenary speech and Q&A session at the 2015 European Society for Ecological Economics Conference at the University of Leeds in July 2015.
• 2015
By: Murat Ates, Dona Barirani, Patrick Borchers, Daniel Buschmann, Carola Fuchs, Jakob Frühmann, Marcus Hawel, Veronika Glatzner, Markus E. Hodec, Claudia Kottal, Anna Kramer, Lilly Valerie Kroth, Jan Müller, Philosophy unbound, Jenny Preunkert, Lisa-Maria Rakowitz, Johannes Siegmund, Rahel Sophia Süß, Norman Schroeder, David Starzl, Georg Vobruba, Dominik Wetzel, Felix Wittman, Cristina Yurena, Bastian Zwölfer
Wer kennt das nicht: Lieber sitzen wir alleine vor dem Fernseher, anstatt mit Freunden die Welträtsel zu lösen. Entmutigt und ohnmächtig vor Wut, glauben wir schließlich nicht mehr daran, etwas verändern zu können. Wie auch, wenn dieselbe politische Kultur, die so inbrünstig und wortreich und mit so vielen Übertreibungen ihre Notwendigkeit und Alternativlosigkeit schreit, verhindert, etwas b...
Presentation • 2015
Dokumentation einer Keynote der Degrowth Sommerschule 2015 „Degrowth konkret: Klimagerechtigkeit“ Titel des Vortrages: "Kohlekraft, das rheinische Braunkohlerevier und was Degrowth damit zu tun"
• 2015
"Während die Staatsoberhäupter noch das Abschlusspapier der Pariser UN-Klimakonferenz als „wichtigen Schritt für die Menschheit“ feierten, hatten kritischere Stimmen den Vertrag bereits als „Schwindel„, „episches Versagen“ und „Handelsabkommen“ verurteilt. Damit weisen sie auf die Diskrepanz hin zwischen der Verpflichtung, „den Anstieg der globalen Durschschnittstemperatur gut unter 2 Grad über...