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Showing 149 items

• 2024

The Geopolitics of Green Colonialism. Global Justice and Ecosocial Transitions

By: Miriam Lang, Mary Ann Manahan, Breno Bringel

The time for denial is over. Across the Global North, the question of how we should respond to the climate crisis has been answered: with a shift to renewables, electric cars, carbon trading and hydrogen. Green New Deals across Europe and North America promise to reduce emissions while creating new jobs. But beneath the sustainability branding, these climate 'solutions' are leading to new en...

Scientific paper • 2020

Public health and degrowth working synergistically: what leverage for public health?

By: Marie-Jo Ouimet, Pier-Luc Turcotte, Louis-Charles Rainville, Yves-Marie Abraham, David Kaiser, Icoquih Badillo-Amberg

The climate crisis represents the biggest public health threat of our time. It interacts with the rising inequalities, chronic diseases and mental illness widely associated with our dominant economic system. Though degrowth and public health approaches differ, both share common values. The former proposes a new paradigm intended to halt the destruction of life-supporting systems by infinite eco...

• 2020


The lens of ecological law: a look at mining

By: Carla Sbert

Containing an in-depth study of the emerging theory and core of ecological law, this book insightfully proposes a 'lens of ecological law' through which the disparity between current laws and ecological law can be assessed. The lens consists of three principles: ecocentrism, ecological primacy and ecological justice. These principles are used within the book to explore and analyse the challenge...

• 2020


Triumph der Ungerechtigkeit: Wie wir Steueroasen und Steuerdumping beenden können

By: Sven Giegold, Gabriel Zucman, Catherine Olier

Mitschnitt der 36. Ausgabe von Europe Calling, dem europäischen Online-Diskussionsformat von Sven Giegold MdEP. Thema war am 27.2.2020: "Triumph der Ungerechtigkeit: Wie wir Steueroasen und Steuerdumping beenden können” mit Star-Ökonom und Autor Gabriel Zucman und EU-Steuerexpertin Catherine Olier. Moderation von Sven Giegold MEP. Recording of the 36th session of Europe Calling, the Europe...

• 2020


How to beat coronavirus capitalism?

By: Naomi Klein, Astra Taylor, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, Lia Rose

An online teach-in with Naomi Klein, Astra Taylor, and Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, with a musical performance by Lia Rose. The current crisis is laying bare the extreme injustices and inequalities of our economic and social system. We are in a battle of visions for how we’re going to respond to this crisis. We will either be catapulted backward to an even more brutal winner-takes-all system — o...

• 2020


Coronavirus in times of climate change: a reflection


"What is is that you value and want to keep? What do you have to let go of in order to stop making matters worse? What is it that we have lost in our industrial society and need to bring back?"

Scientific paper • 2019


Mapping and Analyzing Ecological Distribution Conflicts in Andean Countries

By: Joan Martinez-Alier, Mario Pérez-Rincón, Julieth Vargas-Morales

The extractive sector is increasingly important in the GDP and export basket of the four Andean countries under study (ACs) (Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia). The analysis of an updated inventory of 296 environmental conflicts in the EJAtlas for these four countries reaches the following conclusions: extractivism causes environmental conflicts related to mining, fossil fuels, hydropower and...

Scientific paper • 2019


De-growing environmental justice: Reflections from anti-mining movements in Eastern Europe

By: Irina Velicu

While the critique to economic growth is quintessential in the degrowth scholarship, one may observe a similar focus in various environmental justice movements around the world. This is particularly visible when it comes to the increasing perception that mega-development projects are both unjust and unsustainable, threatening the survival of people and environments. In this paper, we illustra...

Scientific paper • 2019


Overcoming the process-structure divide in conceptions of Social-Ecological Transformation: Assessing the transformative character and impact of change processes

By: Stefanie Sievers-Glotzbach, Julia Tschersich

A fundamental transformation towards sustainability in face of complex social-ecological challenges needs to initiate deep changes of those incumbent system structures that support unsustainable trajectories, while at the same time encouraging a diversity of alternative practices. A review of transformation approaches towards sustainability shows that these do not (sufficiently) link processe...

Scientific paper • 2019


Who promotes sustainability? Five theses on the relationships between the degrowth and the environmental justice movements

By: Bengi Akbulut, Federico Demaria, Julien-François Gerber, Joan Martínez-Alier

Environmental destructions, overconsumption and overdevelopment are felt by an increasing number of people. Voices for ‘prosperity without growth’ have strengthened and environmental conflicts are on the rise worldwide. This introduction to the special issue explores the possibility of an alliance between post-growth and ecological distribution conflicts (EDCs). It argues that among the vario...

Presentation • 2018


First North-South Conference on Degrowth-Descrecimiento, México City 2018 - Sustainable structures of living together and degrowth in the energy sector

By: Manu Mathai

This presentation outlines an approach to imagine an energy policy break from the growth status quo.

• 2018


Why economic 'degrowth' is an ethical imperative

By: Carina Millstone

Edited excerpt from "Frugal Value: Designing Business for a Crowded Planet" by Carina Millstone

Presentation • 2018


Klimagerechtigkeit erklärt in Leichter Sprache

By: ecapio

Was bedeutet Klimagerechtigkeit? In diesem Film erklären wir den Begriff „Klimagerechtigkeit“ in Leichter Sprache. Leichte Sprache richtet sich an Menschen, die Standardsprache nicht oder nur mit Mühe verstehen. Im Film werden die Begriffe Klimawandel, Globaler Norden, Globaler Süden und Klimagerechtigkeit leicht verständlich erklärt. Dabei skizzieren wir die Zusammenhänge zwischen Industri...

• 2018


Smarte grüne Welt?

By: Steffen Lange, Tilman Santarius

Digitalisierung zwischen Überwachung, Konsum und Nachhaltigkeit »Alles wird sich ändern!« Dieser prophetische Ruf aus der IT-Branche ist inzwischen zur gängigen Einschätzung über die Tragweite der Digitalisierung geworden. Doch was bringt die Digitalisierung für Ökologie und Gerechtigkeit? Führt sie uns in eine smarte grüne Welt, in der alle vom technologischen Fortschritt profitieren und wi...

Scientific paper • 2017


Future green economies and regional development: a research agenda

By: David Gibbs, Kirstie O'Neill

Future green economies and regional development: a research agenda. Regional Studies. The past 30 years have seen an explosion of interest and concern over the detrimental impacts of economic and industrial development. Despite this, the environmental agenda has not featured substantially in the regional studies literature. This paper explores a range of options for regional futures from a ‘cle...

• 2017


Auf Kosten Anderer? - Wie die imperiale Lebensweise ein gutes Leben für alle verhindert

By: I.L.A. Kollektiv

Beschreibung des Verlags: Alle reden von Missständen und Krisen: Hier die Klima- und Rohstoffkrise, dort die sozial-politische Dauerkrise Griechenlands oder die menschenverachtende Ausbeutung in der Textilindustrie. Die Probleme sind vielen bewusst – dennoch scheint sich wenig zu ändern. Warum? Das Konzept der »Imperialen Lebensweise« erklärt, warum sich angesichts zunehmender Ungerechtigkeiten...

Interview • 2017


Popular Epidemiology / EnvJustice Vocabulary - Grettel Navas

By: Grettel Navas

Grettel Navas, ICTA-UAB, explains the term "Popular Epidemiology" and exemplifies it with a particular case from Argentina: Mothers of Ituzaingó. Youtube-channel EnvJustice Vocabulary

Interview • 2017


Environmental Ethics / EnvJustice Vocabulary - Catherine Larrère

By: Catherine Larrère

Catherine Larrère, Université de Paris I-Panthéon-Sorbonne, explains the term "Environmental Ethics" and why it ought to be instrumental to the environmental justice movement. Youtube-channel EnvJustice Vocabulary

Interview • 2017


Water Injustice / EnvJustice Vocabulary - Rutgerd Boelens

By: Rutgerd Boelens

Rutgerd Boelens, Wageningen University, explains four layers of water injustices and how to fight against them from the political ecology perspective with a focus on water and water-related conflicts. Youtube-channel EnvJustice Vocabulary

• 2017


The illusion of “degrowth” in a poor and unequal world

By: Branko Milanovic

Introduction to the article by the author: I have recently had Twitter and email discussions with a couple of people who are strong proponents of “degrowth”. From these exchanges I got the impression that there were unaware of just how unequal and poor (yes, poor) the world is today and what would be the trade-offs if we really were to decide to fix the volume of goods and services produced a...