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Showing 104 items

Presentation • 2020

Video Other

Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Living degrowth? Investigating degrowth practices through performative methods

By: Johannes Brossmann

Presentation [Part of the standard session "Practicing Degrowth"] Based on recently published research using performative methods Johannes will discuss (i) what it could mean to “live degrowth” by portraying a diverse range of interrelated practices and (ii) attempt to answer how “living degrowth” could be conceptualized as a transformative endeavour. Presenters: Johannes Brossmann (actin...

Presentation • 2020

Video Other

Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Effective Strategies towards the Good Life for All within planetary boundaries

By: Dirk Holemans, Andreas Novy

Workshop Based on a thesis paper inspired by Polanyi´s reflections on “freedom in a complex society” the workshop discusses effective strategies for a Good Life for All within planetary boundaries. The thesis paper proposes three new pillars for more effective strategies: (1) acknowledging the importance of a strong state that enables public-civic partnerships, (2) overcoming the focus on ni...

Presentation • 2020

Other Video

Degrowth Vienna 2020 - The Awesome Life: Why Degrowthers Need to Talk about the Feeling of Entropy

By: Michael Deflorian, Karoline Kalke

Presentation [part of the standard session "Limits, Ethics, Unsustainability and Change"] Critical views of consumerism are widely shared among degrowthers. However, there is a risk of overlooking a particular affective dimension of consumption: the ‘entropic feeling’. The latter is triggered when we surpass the biophysical limits of our human body and come to enjoy the pleasures of dense en...

• 2020

Other Video

Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Agrowth, Degrowth, Postwachstum…Was!? Eine Einführung

By: Maria Paulitsch, Sven-David Pfau

Workshop In diesem Einführungsworkshop machen wir uns mit den Steigerungszwängen der kapitalistischen Gesellschaftsordnung und dem Denken von wachstumskritischen Ansätzen vertraut. Was sind die Ursprünge, Eigenheiten und Ziele der verschiedenen Strömungen? Dabei schauen wir auf Gefahren und Potentiale der verschiedenen Perspektiven für einen emanzipatorischen Wandel zum Guten Leben für Alle!...

Art contribution • 2020


Poem: Pandemic

By: Lynn Ungar

Presentation • 2018


First North-South Conference on Degrowth-Descrecimiento, México City 2018 - La supervivencia de la vida: vivir bien en las condiciones de vida

By: Enrique Leff

Conferencia de la Plenaria del Martes por Enrique Leff: "La supervivencia de la vida: vivir bien en las condiciones de vida"

Scientific paper • 2017


The Post-Development Dictionary agenda: paths to the pluriverse

By: Federico Demaria

Abstract: This article lays out both a critique of the oxymoron ‘sustainable development’, and the potential and nuances of a Post-Development agenda. We present ecological swaraj from India and Degrowth from Europe as two examples of alternatives to development. This gives a hint of the forthcoming book, provisionally titled The Post-Development Dictionary, that is meant to deepen and widen a ...

• 2017


Auf Kosten Anderer? - Wie die imperiale Lebensweise ein gutes Leben für alle verhindert

By: I.L.A. Kollektiv

Beschreibung des Verlags: Alle reden von Missständen und Krisen: Hier die Klima- und Rohstoffkrise, dort die sozial-politische Dauerkrise Griechenlands oder die menschenverachtende Ausbeutung in der Textilindustrie. Die Probleme sind vielen bewusst – dennoch scheint sich wenig zu ändern. Warum? Das Konzept der »Imperialen Lebensweise« erklärt, warum sich angesichts zunehmender Ungerechtigkeiten...

• 2017


Why Branko Milanovic is wrong about de-growth

By: Jason Hickel

Introduction: Branko Milanovic has written a blog post titled “The illusion of degrowth in a poor and unequal world". He penned it, he says, following a conversation he had with a proponent of degrowth. As it turns out, that proponent was me. First, let me say that I have a lot of respect for Milanovic's work on inequality. I cite him all the time. But unfortunately he doesn't have a s...

• 2017


Postgrowth and Wellbeing - Challenges to Sustainable Welfare

By: Max Koch, Milena Büchs

The publisher: This book presents a detailed and critical discussion about how human wellbeing can be maintained and improved in a postgrowth era. It highlights the close links between economic growth, market capitalism, and the welfare state demonstrating that, in many ways, wellbeing outcomes currently depend on the growth paradigm. Here the authors argue that notions of basic human needs des...

Scientific paper • 2017


Value, Growth, Development: South American Lessons for a New Ecopolitics

By: Eduardo Gudynas

KEYWORDS: Degrowth, ecosocialism, developmentalism, Buen Vivir

Scientific paper • 2017


Degrowth and post-extractivism: two debates with suggestions for the inclusive development framework

By: Ulrich Brand, Tobias Boos, Alina Brad

Abstract: Two thrilling academic debates are taking place in different parts of the world. In Europe, the concept of degrowth is gaining in importance as a strategy to reorient societies and create well-being against the imperatives of capitalist growth. In Latin America, there is a post-extractivism or good living critique of the currently dominant development model of neo-extractivism. Only r...

Scientific paper • 2017


Designing a beautifully poor public: postgrowth community in Italy and Japan

By: Robin M. LeBlanc

Keywords: degrowth, public space, urban planning, architecture, political ecology

• 2017


Prosperity without Growth 2nd Edition

By: Tim Jackson

Subtitle: Foundations for the Economy of Tomorrow 2nd Edition of Tim Jacksons "Prosperity without Growth - Economics for a Finite Planet" The publisher: What can prosperity possibly mean in a world of environmental and social limits? The publication of Prosperity without Growth was a landmark in the sustainability debate. Tim Jackson’s piercing challenge to conventional economics openly q...

Scientific paper • 2016


Potentialities of the Social and Solidarity Economy for Buen Vivir and Degrowth.

By: Unai Villalba

Recently many authors have analyzed the links between the Buen Vivir (BV) and Degrowth (DG) paradigms (Escobar 2010, 2015, Thomson 2011, Unceta 2013, 2014, D’Alisa et al. 2015). They see many similarities between both proposals regarding: the critic of growth, the need for transition strategies, the re-conceptualization of wellbeing, new values, the commons, etc. But there are too some differen...

Scientific paper • 2016


Weal - the reorientation of well being

By: gyfolk

György Folk: Weal – the reorientation of well-being Degrowth may appear for the majority in the developed world a sacrifice of the human comfort we live in, a loss of the present standard of life or well-being. Weal proposes a radical reorientation of our understanding about the human good. Biological and social research produced a multitude of partial results that shed light on how humans liv...

Scientific paper • 2016


Understanding the good life beyond growth: insights from Degrowth, Human Development and Buen Vivir

By: Adrián Beling, Julien Vanhulst

Since the early 70's three approaches to development thinking have emerged to criticize and try to overcome the dominant perspectives of "economic development" and "economic growth". These include the ideas of Degrowth, Human Development and Buen Vivir. Proponents of Degrowth aim to create a post-growth society based on material sufficiency, individual and collective well-being and ecological s...

• 2016


Im Club der Zeitmillionäre - Wie ich mich auf die Suche nach einem anderen Reichtum machte

By: Greta Taubert

Ist Zeit wirklich Geld? Fühlt man sich reich, wenn man unbegrenzt Zeit hat? Und kann ein anderer Umgang mit Zeit die Gesellschaft verändern? Greta Taubert will wissen, was Zeitwohlstand ist und besucht Menschen, die ihn leben. Sie nimmt sich Zeit, lässt sich treiben, wird inspiriert - und dabei immer aktiver. Im Club der Zeitmillionäre lernt sie neue Lebensentwürfe kennen und wird vor Herausfo...