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Culture • 27.01.2022

Sustainable Hedonism: Paradox or Pathway?


By: Orsolya Lelkes

The notion of sustainable hedonism appears at first to be a provocation. Is it a paradox? Is it just more greenwashing nonsense? It is meant to puzzle, to perplex, and to propel. Sustainable Hedonism. A Thriving Life that Does Not Cost the Earth is a call to reflect on our beliefs and actions related to pleasure, joy and ecological sustainability.

Events • 27.12.2021

Caring Communities for Radical Change: Debates and future directions on degrowth from the 8th International


By: Daniel Boston

This summer, the 8th International Degrowth conference took place in Den Haag. This summary provides a peek at some of the important themes, take-aways, and points of contention discussed in the conference reportage co-published by the organisers Transnational Institute and Ontgroei.

Care • 20.12.2021

Wanted for planetary health: a degrowth transformation rooted in caring commoning practices

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By: Winne van Woerden

If we are to accept degrowth in wealthy nations as the only sane and just response to the deterioration of the planetary biosphere, how should we reorganize care and reconceptualize health? We know that a degrowth transformation will require a fundamental reorganization of societal structures underlying growth-focused economies in the Global North. The structures dedicated to our health needs a...

Justice • 23.11.2021

An Ecofeminist Take on the Paris Agreement - Part II

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By: Bethany Wilson, Carol Bardi, Rosalie Le Grelle

Part I discussed ecofeminisms and an overview of the Paris Agreement. This part II links those together by analysing the Paris agreement through an ecofeminist lens, demonstrating its importance for the degrowth movement.

Decolonisation • 18.11.2021

The potential of degrowth and buen vivir in addressing underdevelopment and conflict in the Global South


By: Barbara Magalhães Teixeira

What is the potential role of degrowth and buen vivir in addressing underdevelopment and conflict in the Global South? Underdevelopment and conflict are often portrayed as the most important challenges for countries in the Global South. Not only are they important, but they are also related....

Justice • 07.11.2021

An Ecofeminist Take on the Paris Agreement - Part I

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By: Bethany Wilson, Carol Bardi, Rosalie Le Grelle

This piece discusses how ecofeminist theory can help understand nuances and draw insights on the Paris Agreement's dominant narratives. It explores how binary thinking and specific forms of knowledge are presented in the Paris Agreement and how it is, therefore, not possible to see it as a proper vehicle for climate, social, and gender justice.