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Showing 3581 items

• 2017


When degrowth enters the parliament

By: Federico Demaria

From the text: . . . In conclusion, let me outline our hypothesis. If growth has been a central pillar of stability in wealthy countries throughout the 20th century, then it is reasonable to argue that its lack in growth-oriented societies might create instability. I propose to read under this light too, but of course not only, the recent emerging political conjuncture, from Trump to Brexit, in...

• 2017


Integrating Southern Perspectives

By: Miriam Lang

How migration relates to the imperial mode of living, degrowth and new internationalism We are currently facing the most severe migration crisis in history. But this is only one dimension of a broader civilizational crisis. Thus, anti-racist movements should not focus solely on issues of human mobility rights, but also build new paths of solidarity

• 2017


Umwelt und Entwicklung in globaler Perspektive

By: Stefan Peters, Hans-Jürgen Burchardt

Untertitel: Ressourcen - Konflikte - Degrowth Verlag über das Buch: Umweltpolitische Themen gewinnen an Bedeutung für die internationale Politik. In der Praxis erscheinen ökologische Bedenken gegenüber dem Wachstumsimperativ jedoch oft als Papiertiger. Dieses Buch diskutiert am Beispiel der Rohstoffpolitik die politischen, wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Konsequenzen einer intensivierten Rohst...

Scientific paper • 2017


South Korean Green Growth and the Jevons Paradox: An Assessment with Democratic and Degrowth Policy Recommendations

By: Ryan Gunderson, Sun-Jin Yun

Keywords: Low-carbon green growth; rebound effect; energy efficiency; eco-efficiency; degrowth; public participation

Scientific paper • 2017


Degrowth as an ‘Aesthetics of Existence’

By: Samuel Alexander

"In recent decades the ‘limits to growth’ position has received a great deal of attention, mostly from economic and ecological perspectives (Meadows et al 2004, Daly 1996, Jackson 2009, Turner 2012). More recently, the degrowth movement has begun contributing an important range of new political and sociological analyses (see generally, D’Alisa, Demaria, and Kallis 2015), offering deeper insight...

• 2017


Artivism: Injecting Imagination into Degrowth

By: John Jordan

From our project “Degrowth in Movement(s)“ Artivism is not really a movement. It’s more an attitude, a practice which exists on the fertile edges between art and activism. It comes into being when creativity and resistance collapse into each other. It’s what happens when our political actions become as beautiful as poems and as effective as a perfectly designed tool. Artivism is the Clown Army...

Interview • 2017


Episode 22: Professor Giorgos Kallis: Degrowth and the dangers of excessive economic growth

By: Giorgos Kallis

thesustainabilityagenda.com: In this interview, Professor Giorgos Kallis, a leading degrowth thinker, provides an overview of evolving theories of degrowth. Degrowth theorists argue for a reduction in production and consumption, arguing that overconsumption is at the root of many of the long term environmental issues and social inequalities facing the world today. Professor Kallis highlights th...

• 2017


No degrowth without climate justice

By: Matthias Schmelzer

Teaser: Changing structures, opposing hierarchies, and embracing the struggle as lessons for the degrowth community From the blog post: Since the 2014 Leipzig Degrowth Conference, the argument that climate justice cannot exist without degrowth has repeatedly been made. In a keynote at the Degrowth conference in Budapest, in September 2016, I developed this line of thinking further and argued...

Presentation • 2016


FRI_9:30h // Ashish Kothari - Radical alternatives to Unsustainability and inequality

By: Ashish Kothari

Recorded keynote speech at the 6th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Budapest in 2016. Speaker: Ashish Kotari Degrowth 2016 - English Youtube Channel

Scientific paper • 2016


Housing for Degrowth

By: Claudio Cattaneo, Francois Schneider, Anitra Nelson, Anitra Nelson, Natasha Verco

Communal eco-housing and households offer degrowth strategies and prefigure necessary change. Living in collective housing means sharing goods and services, eco-efficiencies and politico-cultural experience of commons forms of governance. Scholars active in eco-collective housing (squats, housing commons and co-living) in various European, Oceanic and USA sites talk about: creating sustainable...

Scientific paper • 2016

The Indignados as a Socio‐Environmental Movement: Framing the Crisis and Democracy

By: Viviana Asara

This study analyses the framing processes of the Indignados movement in Barcelona, as an exemplar of the latest wave of protests, and argues that it expresses a new ecological–economic way out of the crisis. It finds that the movement was not just a reaction to the economic crisis and austerity policies, but that it put forward a metapolitical critique of the social imaginary and (neo)liberal r...

• 2016


CO2 als Maß aller Dinge - Die unheimliche Macht von Zahlen in der globalen Umweltpolitik

By: Camila Moreno, Lili Fuhr, Daniel Speich Chassé

Der Klimawandel ist real, von globaler Reichweite und Bedeutung. Doch diese Bedrohung wird seltsamerweise fast ausschließlich als ein Problem zu hoher CO2-Emissionen wahrgenommen. Diese Publikation macht deutlich, dass die Art und Weise, wie wir ein Problem beschreiben, weitgehend festlegt, welche Schritte und Maßnahmen wir zur Lösung dieses Problems in Erwägung ziehen. Am Beispiel des metri...

• 2016


Degrowth in movement(s)

By: Nina Treu, Ashish Kothari, Silke Helfrich, Irmi Salzer

Panel discussion at the 6th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Budapest in 2016: Research In Action Special Session: Degrowth in movement(s): Discussing degrowth in the context of related social movements and perspectives Speakers: Silke Helfrich, Irmi Salzer, Nina Treu, Ashish Kothari Degrowth 2016 - English youtube channel

Scientific paper • 2016


Why won't they see the need for a change?

By: Mladen Domazet

Social attitudes and behaviours research on nationally representative samples often presents the European semiperiphery (and especially Eastern Europe) as an obstinate laggard stuck in the selfish unrealised growth hopes and unsacrifical individualistic distrust with respect to ecological transformation (cf. EVS and ISSP surveys), even when comparative understanding of the current and historica...

Scientific paper • 2016


Wellbeing-restoring strategies in situations of coercive consumption reduction: implications for degrowth efforts

By: Dr. Ágnes Zsóka, Dr. Maria Csutora

The concept of degrowth has serious implications on consumption. The challenge lies in the most probable necessity of consumption reduction which is still an unpopular idea today. Situations of coercive consumption reduction indicate various individual reactions and severe impacts on subjective wellbeing. Our previous research aimed to analyse how individuals create resilient adaptation strateg...

Scientific paper • 2016


Weal - the reorientation of well being

By: gyfolk

György Folk: Weal – the reorientation of well-being Degrowth may appear for the majority in the developed world a sacrifice of the human comfort we live in, a loss of the present standard of life or well-being. Weal proposes a radical reorientation of our understanding about the human good. Biological and social research produced a multitude of partial results that shed light on how humans liv...

Scientific paper • 2016


The razor's edge: Realist vs social constructivist conceptions of environmental limits

By: Tone Smith

When doing interdisciplinary science, we need criteria that can help us choose what to integrate. Not anything goes. Since interdisciplinary science does not have common concepts at the outset, researchers need to work from some other common denominator. If not, interdisciplinarity becomes too challenging. This paper argues that developing a consistent body of theory, while at the same time tak...

Scientific paper • 2016



By: Branko Ančić, Branko Ančić, Lili Fuhr, Jelena Puđak, Lana Peternel, Nikola Petrović

From the beginning of the ´90-ies and first attempts to conceptualize green economy as a new socio-economic concept which tackles environmental and economic problems of unprecedented scale, green economy was not brought to a table of political and academic debates until recent global crisis occurred. Expansion of credits and its consequence in sharp rise in debt-to-GDP ratios, job losses and bu...

Scientific paper • 2016


Forging new/old sociocultural systems driven by motives other than growth

By: Susan Paulson, Eric Hirsch, Jixia Lu, Manuel Vallee, Siri M. Kjellberg, Charles Bassey

Degrowth calls for decolonizing human identities and relationships from values and visions that exalt the endless expansion of production and consumption. This multi-session explores paths toward such decolonization through initiatives to recuperate, adapt and invent sociocultural systems that change the way we humans produce and consume goods and services, and—more powerfully—the ways in which...

Scientific paper • 2016


Degrowth in movement(s)

By: Nina Treu, Ashish Kothari, Silke Helfrich, Irmi Salzer

Degrowth is not only a label for an ongoing discussion on alternatives, and not just an academic debate, but also an emerging social movement. Regardless of many similarities, there is quite some lack of knowledge about the different perspectives both within degrowth circles as well as within other social movements. Here, space for learning emerges – also to avoid the danger of repeating mistak...