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Showing 3581 items

Art contribution • 2020


Poem: Pandemic

By: Lynn Ungar

Report • 2020


How Private-Equity Firms Squeeze Hospital Patients for Profits

By: Sheelah Kolhatkar

One of the risks of not providing an universal Health Care system is not just related to the threat  represented to life itself. Debt and despair can be easily taken advantage of and the article encloses how this dispossession process of hospital patients is all possible in the current financial system and kept legal by the same government.

• 2020


Degrowth Money

By: Julio Linares

The following text is an excerpt from “Towards an Ecology of Care: Basic Income Beyond the Nation-state (unpublished).

• 2020

Text Audio

Can We Have Prosperity Without Growth?

By: John Cassidy

The critique of economic growth, once a fringe position, is gaining widespread attention in the face of the climate crisis.

• 2020


2020: the year of the snail

By: Constanza Hepp

We are starting 2020 full of enthusiasm for all that is to come! If you want to be involved in the degrowth movement you just need to roll up your sleeves because in this new year, there will be plenty to do. Here is a list of the activities that planned for 2020 so you

• 2020


Strategies for Cultural Change: Degrowth and the Use of Space

By: Francesca Van Daele

Degrowth addresses the negative consequences of consumerism (psychological stress, long working hours and positional competition) and discusses the benefits of frugal lifestyles. Henri Lefebvre, a French philosopher from the 20th century, argues that if ideas or values are not physically implemented in space, they become mere fantasies. As such, if degrowth wishes to prevail, it

Scientific paper • 2020


Biodiversity policy beyond economic growth

By: Iago Otero, Katharine N. Farrell, Salvador Pueyo, Giorgos Kallis, Laura Kehoe, Helmut Haberl, Christoph Plutzar, Peter Hobson, Jaime García‐Márquez, Beatriz Rodríguez‐Labajos, Jean‐Louis Martin, Karl‐Heinz Erb, Stefan Schindler, Jonas Nielsen, Teuta Skorin, Josef Settele, Franz Essl, Erik Gómez‐Baggethun, Lluís Brotons, Wolfgang Rabitsch, François Schneider, Guy Pe'er

Increasing evidence—synthesized in this paper—shows that economic growth contributes to biodiversity loss via greater resource consumption and higher emissions. Nonetheless, a review of international biodiversity and sustainability policies shows that the majority advocate economic growth. Since improvements in resource use efficiency have so far not allowed for absolute global reductions i...

• 2020


Triumph der Ungerechtigkeit: Wie wir Steueroasen und Steuerdumping beenden können

By: Sven Giegold, Gabriel Zucman, Catherine Olier

Mitschnitt der 36. Ausgabe von Europe Calling, dem europäischen Online-Diskussionsformat von Sven Giegold MdEP. Thema war am 27.2.2020: "Triumph der Ungerechtigkeit: Wie wir Steueroasen und Steuerdumping beenden können” mit Star-Ökonom und Autor Gabriel Zucman und EU-Steuerexpertin Catherine Olier. Moderation von Sven Giegold MEP. Recording of the 36th session of Europe Calling, the Europe...

Scientific paper • 2020


Performing ‘blue degrowth’: critiquing seabed mining in Papua New Guinea through creative practice

By: John Childs

Scripted as a sustainable alternative to terrestrial mining, the licence for the world’s first commercial deep-sea mining (DSM) site was issued in Papua New Guinea in 2011 to extract copper and gold from a deposit situated 1600 m below the surface of the Bismarck Sea. Whilst DSM’s proponents locate it as emergent part of a blue economy narrative, its critics point to the ecological and econ...

Scientific paper • 2020


Designing sustainability in blues: the limits of technospatial growth imaginaries

By: Duygu Kaşdoğan

In the midst of a global food crisis, the late 2000s saw tensions between rising food prices and demands for biofuels coalesce into a “food versus fuel” debate. In response to ensuing public outcries, governmental agencies, and researchers across the globe began mobilizing around alternative biofuel feedstock. Among these materials, algae emerged as the most “hopeful” sustainable alternativ...

Report • 2020


Crises in the Anthropocene through and beyond corona

By: Governance & Sustainability Lab

Undisciplined perspectives from the Governance & Sustainability, University of Trier

• 2020


Entry Points for Transformative Politics: The Power of Unstated Premises

By: Timmo Krüger

While the limits and failures of our current economic and political system are known and repetitively pointed out by degrowth research, we have a deficit in the area of strategic planning for transformative politics. What is missing are entry points for politicizing and changing social values, norms and institutions. To do this successfully, it is

• 2020


Die Zukunft lässt sich nicht er-warten

By: Max, Lukas

Nicht gescheitert, aber falsch erzählt. Was Degrowth vom Demokratischen Sozialismus von Corbyn und Co. lernen kann.

• 2020


Degrowth around the world - celebrating the 2020 Global Degrowth Day

By: Activist Working Group

Earlier this month, on June 6th, the 2020 Global Degrowth Day (GDD) was celebrated around the world. Around 40 events in more than 18 countries were registered and there were many social media posts using the hashtag #GlobalDegrowthDay, which was also celebrated by the Green European Journal and the European Environmental Bureau. Pictures were shared

Scientific paper • 2020


De-growth: Some suggestions from the Simpler Way perspective

By: Ted Trainer

It is argued that there are some important issues which the current de growth literature neglects. The first is the sheer magnitude of the global predicament, which determines not just the insufficiently recognized difficulty of the transition task but also that the goals and means must take particular and largely unrecognized forms. The goal cannot be reform of the existing society; it must ...

• 2020


Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Degrowing the food sector: how to build democratic food policies

By: Julianna Fehlinger, Olivier De Schutter, Genevieve Savigny, Armin Bernhard, Line Rise Nielsen

Panel debate The aim of the panel is to develop a common understanding of how a socially and ecologically sustainable food systems can look like. To achieve this, we draw on existing practices and strategies of local and regional initiatives which promote sustainable food systems. There exists already a variety of collectives, networks, and food system approaches, which create opportunities ...

• 2020

Video Other

Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Practicing Degrowth

By: Damaris Castro, Johannes Brossmann, Tobias Froese, Gibran Vita

Standard session (discussion following 4 presentations)  A sufficiency assessment: do people think they have enough? Video We investigate how individuals think about ‘having enough’ and ‘wanting more’ in the contemporary society on a financial, material and leisure level. Furthermore, we analyze how this relates to people’s relative preference for income versus leisure. Result...