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Showing 83 items

Report • 2014

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Aufbruchtage - Gartenbrot und Schrebernot ...

By: Schattenblick

Bericht von der Degrowth Konferenz 2014 in Leipzig zur Veranstaltung "Mutter Erde Essen. Ist ein solidarisches Essverhalten möglich?" mit Elisabeth Meyer-Renschhausen. Aus dem Bericht: "Ist ein solidarisches Eßverhalten möglich?" Die im Diskussionsworkshop der Referentin Elisabeth Meyer-Renschhausen im Rahmen der Internationalen Degrowth-Konferenz am 4. September in Leipzig aufgeworfene Frage ...

• 2014


Ackergifte? Nein danke! - Für eine enkeltaugliche Landwirtschaft

By: Ute Scheub

Der Verlag: In Deutschland werden jährlich 40 000 Tonnen Pestizide ausgebracht. Die schönfärberische Bezeichnung »Pflanzenschutzmittel« verschleiert, worum es sich tatsächlich handelt: Ackergifte. Aktuelle Untersuchungen belegen, dass diese – entgegen den Behauptungen der Industrie – von Menschen, Tieren und grundwasserführenden Schichten aufgenommen werden. Das geht uns alle an, denn die hocht...

Presentation • 2014


The food challenge. Struggling for just and ecological food systems

By: Reinhild Benning, Christiana Schuler, Lucía Gallardo, Eric Holt-Giménez (via video), Jan Urhahn

Panel discussion at the the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. Speakers: Reinhild Benning, Christiana Schuler, Lucía Gallardo, Eric Holt-Giménez (via video) Facilitation: Jan Urhahn From the conference programme: No matter who we are, we all share the need for food. Looking at the way food is produced, treated and di...

Position paper • 2014


Urban agriculture and urban transformation

By: Antje Manteuffel

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Urban Transformation.

Position paper • 2014


Food for the future

By: Christiane Pohl

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Agriculture and Food.

Position paper • 2014


Food and Seed Sovereignty as conditions for degrowing our food system

By: Lanka Horstink

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Agriculture and Food.

Position paper • 2014


Thoughts on agricultural transformation

By: Peter Clausing

This media entry is a stirring paper of the Group Assembly Process (GAP) at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig in 2014. This paper belongs the group Agriculture and Food.

Scientific paper • 2014


Extension of shelf life of fruits and vegetables from the Kaiserstuhl area through utilization of solar thermal drying and regional marketing of the products

By: Wolfgang Striewe, Friedemar Schreiber, Kurt Schüle, Gudawar Singh, Welf Aumann

Abstract: The presented project sets high standards for the sustainable preservation of food by drying. Fruits and vegetables are purchased from regional and ecological farms and gardens. In addition orchard meadows are harvested and cared for in order to preserve these important habitats. The drying process is driven by solar energy. The process is adapted and synchronized to the availability ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Vertical Urban Garden

By: Alexander Stumm, Henry Anderson

Abstract: In the last years architectural interventions in urban space have shown their potential both on a social and a aesthetic level. The vertical urban garden is a multi-storey garden for the community, a meeting-point in the city, a space for cultural activities and recreation. The construction is based on the possibilities of the scaffolding system, is easy and cost-efficently to assembl...

Scientific paper • 2014


Agroecology as alternative(s) to development: A South African Case Study

By: Alistair Tamlit

Abstract: According to Auturo Escobar, development and capitalism have become the most significant ideas to shape social life and these ideas are directly related to the multiple crises our planet faces. Post-development theories offer alternative narratives to the traditional development notions of universal knowledge and progress. Yet, the mainstream development discourse remains and challeng...

Scientific paper • 2014


Energy use in the Spanish Agri-food System (1960-2010). On possible courses for economic degrowth

By: Juan Infante-Amate, Eduardo Aguilera, Manuel González de Molina

Abstract: The main purpose of this work is to quantify energy consumption in the agri-food chain in Spain. The years 1960, 1985 and 2010 are analysed, giving an overview of the important changes that have occurred in the sector. Consumption of different forms of energy is estimated (final, primary, distinguishing between direct and indirect consumption and between renewables and non-renewables)...

Scientific paper • 2014


Let them Eat War: Climate Change, Food Insecurity and Conflict

By: Sören Köpke

Abstract: Climate change is increasingly framed as a security concern. Proponents of the environmental security discourse warn that dwindling water resources, loss of arable land and grazing grounds will cause hunger and conflict. These resource-related conflicts will arise in the most vulnerable parts of the Global South. However, this discourse is blind to the political economy of a growth-ba...

Scientific paper • 2014


Problems of unlimited economic Growth

By: Hugo Hanbury

Degrowth, environment, consumerism, transition, world food system

Scientific paper • 2014


Comparing local and global supply chains of tomatoes: the case of Catalonia

By: Gonzalo Gamboa

Abstract: In recent years there is an increasing interest in studying the performance of the so-called alternative, local or quality food supply chains. Different actors, endorsing different discourses, highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each supply chain according to their interests and their position in the chain (among other reasons). This paper explores the performance of global ...

Scientific paper • 2014


Between Daily Practices and Political Action

By: Markus Flück

Abstract: My starting point is that the “green revolution” and free trade policies haven’t been successful towards solving hunger problems and might even endanger the nutrition system of the whole human society. On the consumption side, especially in the north, but also in the wealthy social classes in the south, feeding habits need more and more energy and produce too much rubbish. A hopeful c...

Scientific paper • 2014


Food sharing: A potential strategy against the food waste problem and a local contribution to local climate change mitigation?

By: Dominic Egger

Non-market food provision - Transitory strategy - Food waste - Degrowth practice - Municipal strategy of climate change mitigation

Position paper • 2014


GAP working group 2014 - Agriculture and Food

By: Degrowth Conference Leipzig 2014

Results from the GAP Group "Agriculture and Food" at the Degrowth Conference in Leipzig 2014

• 2013

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Die Zeit ist reif für Ernährungssouveränität

By: Magdalena Heuwieser, Julianna Fehlinger, Franziskus Forster

Editoral: Alle Menschen müssen essen. Das Recht auf Nahrung steht allen Menschen zu und doch wird es vielen verwehrt. Um die Zukunft der Ernährung wird derzeit heftig gerungen. Weltweit treten soziale Bewegungen für Ernährungssouveränität ein: Eine „Welt ohne Hunger“, das Gute Leben für alle ist die Perspektive. Das erste globale Nyeleni-Forum zu Ernährungssouveränität fand 2007 in Mali stat...

• 2013


Ernährung ohne Wachstumszwang

By: Christine Pohl

inkota.de: Ernährung und Wirtschaftswachstum – was hat das miteinander zu tun? Unser gesamtes wirtschaftliches System ist auf ewiges Wirtschaftswachstum ausgerichtet. Auf Dauer kann dies aber nur funktionieren, wenn der Planet mitwächst. Im neuen INKOTA-Infoblatt „Ernährung ohne Wachstumszwang” wird kurz und übersichtlich dargestellt, wie unser Ernährungssystem vom wirtschaftlichen Wachstumszw...

Scientific paper • 2013


‘Sustainable de-growth’ in agriculture and food: an agro-ecological perspective on Spain’s agri-food system (year 2000)

By: Manuel González de Molina, Juan Infante Amate

De-growth; Life cycle analysis; Agri-food system; Ecological economics; Organic farming; Agro-ecology