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Showing 427 items

Report • 2018


Towards a socio-ecological transformation of the economy

By: Stephan Lutter, Fred Luks, Sigrid Stagl

Background report for the Growth in Transition Conference "Europe's Transformation: Where People Matter" in Vienna, 14-15 November 2018

Presentation • 2018


Post-Growth Conference, Brussels 2018 - Closing Session

By: Giorgos Kallis, Carlos Alvarez-Pereira, Gerhard Huemer

Moderation: Nicole Dewandre Panellists: Carlos Alvarez-Pereira (Club of Rome), Giorgos Kallis (Research & Degrowth, ICTA), Gerhard Huemer (UEAPME)

• 2018


Why economic growth is not compatible with environmental sustainability

By: Federico Demaria

Introduction: Academic FEDERICO DEMARIA will be addressing staff at the European Commission today in a keynote speech about the crucial issues of economic growth and environmental degradation. He asks, is the well-being of the individual, societies and nations possible beyond economic growth?

Presentation • 2018


Why economic growth is not compatible with environmental sustainability

By: Federico Demaria

Keynote speech by ecological economist Federico Demaria at “Well-being beyond GDP growth? Panel Discussion on Post-growth in the Era of Multiple Crises.” Organized by the European Commission (Brussels, 22nd February, 12.30).

Presentation • 2018


Post-Growth Conference, Brussels 2018 - Opening Session

By: Tim Jackson, Margrethe Vestager

Welcome by MEP Philippe Lamberts Moderation: Wolfgang Munchau, Financial Times Keynotes by Commissioner Margrethe Vestager and Professor Tim Jackson

• 2018


French researcher shares how less is more through de-growth

By: The Borneo Post

Introduction: For the first time in Malaysia, the concept of sustainable de-growth was presented and discussed in a public meeting here recently. Five large conferences on the subject have been held in various part of the world with 200 published articles. French industrial ecologist and de-growth researcher Dr François Schneider explained this new concept to an audience at the Sarawak Mu...

Interview • 2018


Paech: "Wir sollten nur 20 Stunden arbeiten"

By: Nico Paech

Einleitung: Niko Paech propagiert ein Wirtschaftssystem, das zur Versorgung des menschlichen Bedarfs nicht auf Wachstum angewiesen ist. Im DW-Gespräch erläutert der Ökonom die Vorteile für Mensch und Umwelt.

• 2018


Anders wachsen!

By: Verschiedene

Von der Krise der kapitalistischen Wachstumsgesellschaft und Ansätzen einer Transformation Nahezu alle Bereiche unseres Lebens sind vom Wachstums- und Beschleunigungsdenken geprägt. Die Grundannahme des ewig andauernden Wirtschaftswachstums ist dabei an das Versprechen von Wohlstand und Reichtum geknüpft. Die Realität sieht jedoch ganz anders aus: Die kapitalistische Wachstumsgesellschaft ve...

Presentation • 2018


Post-Growth Conference, Brussels 2018 - Workshop Beyond GDP Growth

By: Christian Felber, Leida Rijnhout, Efi Achtsióglou, Patrick ten Brink, Joost Koorte

Chair: Helmut Scholz, MEP (GUE/NGL) Panellists: Efi Achtsióglou (Greek Minister of Labour), Christian Felber (Economy for the Common Good), Leida Rijnhout (SDG Watch Steering Committee), Patrick ten Brink (European Environmental Bureau, Director of EU Policy), Joost Koorte (European Commission, DG EMPL, Director General)

Scientific paper • 2018


Research on degrowth

By: Matthias Schmelzer, Steffen Lange, Susan Paulson, Giorgos Kallis, Barbara Muraca, Vasilis Kostakis

Abstract: Scholars and activists mobilize increasingly the term degrowth when producing knowledge critical of the ideology and costs of growth-based development. Degrowth signals a radical political and economic reorganization leading to reduced resource and energy use. The degrowth hypothesis posits that such a trajectory of social transformation is necessary, desirable, and possible; the cond...

Report • 2018


First North-South Conference on Degrowth-Descrecimiento, México City 2018 - Final Report

By: Conference Organizing Committee

Some 430 researchers, professors, students, activists, professionals, artisans, cooperative members and representatives of social movements from 38 countries met in Mexico City, as registered attendees at the Conference, to discuss the latest conceptual and empirical contributions of the movements that object to unlimited growth (degrowth-descrecimiento), usually understood as a response to the...

• 2018


Why economic 'degrowth' is an ethical imperative

By: Carina Millstone

Edited excerpt from "Frugal Value: Designing Business for a Crowded Planet" by Carina Millstone

• 2017


Why less is more - There’s only one way to avoid climate catastrophe: ‘de-growing’ our economy

By: Jason Hickel

Jason Hickel argues in an articel that Degrowth is the only chance to avoid catastrophic climate change

Report • 2017


At Museums, Maybe It’s Time for ‘De-growth’

By: Nina Siegal

From the article: The last quarter of a century has been a period of pronounced growth in the cultural sector, with the rumble of jackhammers creating the soundtrack to 21st-century museum life. New buildings, multimillion-dollar expansions, new wings and collection growth have all helped drive visitor numbers to unprecedented heights. So it seemed a little counterintuitive when Beatrix Ruf, t...

Report • 2017


Moving Away From the Pro-Growth Economy

By: Erika Gavenus

Introduction: The current economic system being utilized and internalized relies on perpetual growth. It has long operated counter to the reality that we are confined to a finite planet with finite resources. Yet, this system continues to be practiced and promoted globally. As the environmental and social repercussions of disbelief in limits become increasingly clear, so does our need for a new...

• 2017


Salidas del laberinto capitalista: decrecimiento y postextractivismo

By: Alberto Acosta

About the book: Review of the frameworks of degrowth and post-extractivism in the context of the global ecological crisis with particular reference to the fetish of economic growth and the extractivist economy in the Global South (and in Latin America in particular). ISBN 13: 9788498887792

• 2017


Decolonizing the North, decolonizing the South: de-growth, post-development, and their cultural representations in Spain and Latin America

By: José Manuel Marrero Henríquez

Article by Luis I. Prádanos in the book Transatlantic landscapes - environmental awareness, literature, and the arts

Report • 2017


Research & Degrowth Newsletter - May 2017

By: Research & Degrowth

Yet another editorial where the highlight is the high number of academic publications in degrowth. The multidisciplinary nature of these publications (technology, health, culture, happiness, extractivism, policies, transition, power, strategies, etc) explore the different roots, challenges and proposals of degrowth. This newsletter introduces the Feminisms and Degrowth Alliance (FaDA), a mu...

• 2017


Prosperity without Growth 2nd Edition

By: Tim Jackson

Subtitle: Foundations for the Economy of Tomorrow 2nd Edition of Tim Jacksons "Prosperity without Growth - Economics for a Finite Planet" The publisher: What can prosperity possibly mean in a world of environmental and social limits? The publication of Prosperity without Growth was a landmark in the sustainability debate. Tim Jackson’s piercing challenge to conventional economics openly q...

• 2017


Let’s Degrow Up and Grow Down!

By: François Schneider

Francois Schneider defends the use of the term "degrowth". From the text: . . . If degrowth was the name of a multinational of toothpaste, Drews and Antal would be right: degrowth is not the right word to gain (market) competition. However degrowth is not just about raising attention, being interesting, provocative, easy to remember. It actually has a meaning! When I was doing a tour of conf...