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Showing 427 items

Study • 2023

Women's Work in the Pandemic Economy: The Unbearable Hazard of Hierarchy

By: Myfan Jordan

This book explores two unique studies of women’s economic behaviour during Australia’s COVID-19 crisis. The first describes the care ‘frontline’ in the feminised labor sectors of healthcare and education, identifying extreme workload pressures, deteriorating conditions, and a shockingly high incidence of workplace bullying: including women targeting other women workers. The author argues workpl...

Scientific paper • 2021


A Green New Deal without growth?

By: Giorgos Kallis, Riccardo Mastini, Jason Hickel

The IPCC warns that in order to keep global warming under 1.5°, global emissions must be cut to zero by 2050. Policymakers and scholars debate how best to decarbonise the energy system, and what socio-economic changes might be necessary. Here we review the strengths, weaknesses, and synergies of two prominent climate change mitigation narratives: the Green New Deal and degrowth. Green New Dea...

• 2020


The Simpler Way: Collected Writings of Ted Trainer

By: Ted Trainer, Samuel Alexander, Jonathan Rutherford

Ted Trainer is an Australian scholar-activist who for decades has been defending and practising an 'eco-anarchist' perspective he describes as the Simpler Way. His vision is of a world where self-governing communities live materially simple but sufficient lives, in harmony with ecological limits. This anthology contains some of Trainer's most insightful and provocative essays, covering all a...

• 2020

Other Video

Degrowth Vienna 2020 - Agrowth, Degrowth, Postwachstum…Was!? Eine Einführung

By: Maria Paulitsch, Sven-David Pfau

Workshop In diesem Einführungsworkshop machen wir uns mit den Steigerungszwängen der kapitalistischen Gesellschaftsordnung und dem Denken von wachstumskritischen Ansätzen vertraut. Was sind die Ursprünge, Eigenheiten und Ziele der verschiedenen Strömungen? Dabei schauen wir auf Gefahren und Potentiale der verschiedenen Perspektiven für einen emanzipatorischen Wandel zum Guten Leben für Alle!...

• 2020


A response to McAfee: no, the "environmental Kuznets curve" won't save us

By: Jason Hickel

Jason Hickel's response to Andrew McAfee's piece for Wired ('Why degrowth is the worst idea on the planet')

• 2020


Why degrowth is the worst idea on the planet

By: Andrew McAfee

Despite still growing over the last 50 years, we already figured out how to reduce our impact on Earth. So let's do that.

• 2020


Wachstum schadet dem Klima. Wir brauchen neue Wege zum Wohlstand

By: Joël Foramitti

Technologische Wunschträume und die Fixierung auf ewiges Wachstum verhindern seit Jahrzehnten eine effektive Klimapolitik

• 2020


The case for degrowth

By: Nathan J. Robinson

Infinite growth on a finite planet is alarming and doesn't even make us better off. A new book argues we must shed the ideology of "growthism"

Interview • 2020


Podcast: Joanna Pope zu Degrowth & Akzelerationismus

By: Joanna Pope

Kann es so etwas geben wie nachhaltiges Wachstum? Oder sollten wir uns nicht vielmehr vom Prinzip des Wachstums an sich trennen und stattdessen andere Vorstellungen des guten Lebens entwickeln?

Interview • 2020


Techno-socialism or de-growth?

By: Gareth Dale, Javier Moreno Zacares, Jack Copley

The second in a three-part interview on capitalism and climate breakdown from Political Economy for the End Times.

• 2020

Text Audio

Can We Have Prosperity Without Growth?

By: John Cassidy

The critique of economic growth, once a fringe position, is gaining widespread attention in the face of the climate crisis.

Scientific paper • 2020


Biodiversity policy beyond economic growth

By: Iago Otero, Katharine N. Farrell, Salvador Pueyo, Giorgos Kallis, Laura Kehoe, Helmut Haberl, Christoph Plutzar, Peter Hobson, Jaime García‐Márquez, Beatriz Rodríguez‐Labajos, Jean‐Louis Martin, Karl‐Heinz Erb, Stefan Schindler, Jonas Nielsen, Teuta Skorin, Josef Settele, Franz Essl, Erik Gómez‐Baggethun, Lluís Brotons, Wolfgang Rabitsch, François Schneider, Guy Pe'er

Increasing evidence—synthesized in this paper—shows that economic growth contributes to biodiversity loss via greater resource consumption and higher emissions. Nonetheless, a review of international biodiversity and sustainability policies shows that the majority advocate economic growth. Since improvements in resource use efficiency have so far not allowed for absolute global reductions i...

• 2020


Die Zukunft lässt sich nicht er-warten

By: Max, Lukas

Nicht gescheitert, aber falsch erzählt. Was Degrowth vom Demokratischen Sozialismus von Corbyn und Co. lernen kann.

Scientific paper • 2020


De-growth: Some suggestions from the Simpler Way perspective

By: Ted Trainer

It is argued that there are some important issues which the current de growth literature neglects. The first is the sheer magnitude of the global predicament, which determines not just the insufficiently recognized difficulty of the transition task but also that the goals and means must take particular and largely unrecognized forms. The goal cannot be reform of the existing society; it must ...

Scientific paper • 2020


'The economy' as if people mattered: revisiting critiques of economic growth in a time of crisis

By: Clive L. Spash

Coronavirus (COVID-19) policy shut down the world economy with a range of government actions unprecedented outside of wartime. In this paper, economic systems dominated by a capital accumulating growth imperative are shown to have had their structural weaknesses exposed, revealing numerous problems including unstable supply chains, unjust social provisioning of essentials, profiteering, precari...

Scientific paper • 2020

The Blue Fix: What's driving blue growth?

By: Zoe W. Brent, Mads Barbesgaard, Castren Pedersen

This article explores the politics behind the promise of ‘blue growth’. Reframing it as a ‘blue fix’, we argue that the blue growth discourse facilitates new opportunities for capital accumulation, while claiming that this accumulation is compatible with social and ecological aims as well. The blue fix is made up of three underlying sub-fixes. First of all, the conservation fix quenches the...

Scientific paper • 2020


Apologists for growth: passive revolutionaries in a passive revolution

By: Clive L. Spash

Popular authors and international organizations recommend transformation to a ‘new economy’. However, this is misleadingly interpreted as radical or revolutionary. Two problematic positions are revealed: being pro-growth while seeking to change the current form of capitalism (e.g. Ha-Joon Chang), and being anti-growth on environmental grounds but promoting growth for poverty alleviation and due...

Scientific paper • 2020


Degrowth business framework: Implications for sustainable development

By: Iana Nesterova

Abstract: Recent years have seen a revival in growth scepticism, yet degrowth in relation to the macroeconomic level has received almost exclusive attention. This resulted in a lack of literature on how post-growth and specifically degrowth visions of economy could be implemented, including from the perspective of firms and other organisations. This paper focuses on degrowth literature and fiel...