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Showing 17 items

Scientific paper • 2019


First Nations sovereignty, Environmental Justice, and Degrowth in Northwest BC, Canada

By: Karl Frost

Abstract: Environmental Injustice has been intrinsic to Canadian extractivism, with First Nations displaced from their traditional territories and their cultural identity suppressed through an explicit policy of cultural genocide to make way for colonial extractivist practices. Likewise, this extractivism has long been legitimized in Canada through a rhetoric of economic growth. This paper pre...

Scientific paper • 2017


Another Economy is Possible: Culture and Economy in a Time of Crisis

By: Giorgos Kallis, Angelos Varvarousis, Sarah Banet-Weiser, Manuel Castells, Sviatlana Hlebik, Lana Swartz, Lisa Servon, Sarah Pink, Kirsten Seale

Description on Wiley.com: Throughout the Western world, governments and financial elites responded to the financial crisis of 2008 by trying to restore the conditions of business as usual, but the economic, social and human damage inflicted by the crisis has given rise to a reconsideration of the inevitability of unfettered capitalism as a fact of life. A number of economic practices and organi...

Scientific paper • 2017


Beyond (anti)utilitarianism: khat and alternatives to growth in northern Madagascar

By: Lisa L. Gezon

Keywords: Madagascar, khat, utilitarian, degrowth, economy, urban

Scientific paper • 2017


Steering clear of politics: local virtues in Helsinki's design activism

By: Eeva Berglund

Keywords: social movements; Finland; urban/DIY activism; design

Scientific paper • 2017


Making degrowth locally meaningful: the case of the Faroese grindadráp

By: Ragnheiður Bogadóttir, Elisabeth Skarðhamar Olsen

Keywords: Degrowth, whaling, Faroe Islands, relational ethic, noncapitalism

• 2016


Lässt sich Klimapolitik in CO2-Ausstoß bemessen?

By: Camila Moreno, Lili Fuhr, Daniel Speich Chassé

"Bis vor kurzem noch hätten Begriffe wie „CO2-Bilanz“, „CO2-Fußabdruck“ oder „CO2-Ausgleich“ nur fragende Blicke in der allgemeinen Öffentlichkeit hervorgerufen. Inzwischen sind sie in aller Munde, ganz unabhängig von der Frage, ob sie den notwendigen Klimaschutzzielen überhaupt dienlich sind oder nicht. „Carbon metrics“ sind das Maß aller Dinge in der internationalen Umweltpolitik...." Arti...

• 2016


Beyond Paris: avoiding the trap of carbon metrics

By: Camila Moreno

Until recently terms like “carbon accounting,” “carbon footprint” and “carbon offsetting” would have raised some quizzical eyebrows among the general public. Today, such carbon-based metrics are everywhere, but are they helpful or unhelpful in motivating the necessary action on climate change? This article discusses the impact of the carbon metrics approach on global climate governance Bl...

Position paper • 2016


Neither protectionism nor neoliberalism but “open relocalization”, the basis for a new International

By: Vincent Liegey, Stéphane Madelaine, Christophe Ondet, Anisabel Veillot

From the text: Will they call for a return to protectionism? Try to regulate the markets? Attempt to rein in unemployment by prioritizing economic growth, regardless of the cost? The Left seems to have run out of ideas for social and economic initiatives that are at once sound, liberating, and environmentally sustainable. Faced with such lack of vision, calls to “relocalize” the economy start t...

Presentation • 2014


Dimensions of learning for a degrowth society

By: Helena Norberg-Hodge, Barbara Muraca, Bertr, Stern, Jeremias Herberg

Panel discussion at the 4th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Leipzig in 2014. Speakers: Helena Norberg-Hodge, Bertrand Stern, Barbara Muraca Facilitation: Jeremias Herberg From the conference programme: On this panel people from different backgrounds discuss new concepts for education. The debate builds on the critique of the current e...

Scientific paper • 2014


Teko Arandu: New Paths Towards a Sustainable Future. A case-study about the Brazilian Guarani-Kaiowás

By: Andressa Schröder

cultural diversity, sustainability, indigenous heritage

Scientific paper • 2014


A spatial Anthropology of the Changing Use of Urban Spaces in Tokyo, Japan

By: Heide Imai

Abstract: Cities like Tokyo face recently new, complex urban challenges. However, responses to the changing urban space are often reflected in the emergence of new cultural revivals or the forging of unknown, hybrid subcultures, which can be understood when studying the diverse ways people (re-) interpret small urban places in relationship to their changing lifestyles. This paper will discuss t...

Scientific paper • 2014


Analysis of Change- Intercultural Design Exchange Germany and Japan - Approaching the Question of Future Living

By: Heide Imai, Anthusa Loeffler

Abstract: This is the topic this paper wants to discuss in the context of Tokyo, which is characterized by Roland Barthes as a city without a center. After the enormous growth in the second half of the twentieth century of Tokyo, we have to discuss the De-growth and the chance for future living at different examples found in Japan and Germany. In summary, this paper focuses on the question in w...

Scientific paper • 2014


Education in complete environments (Handlungspädagogik)

By: Tobias Hartkemeyer

Abstract: Our culture is dominated by an economic doctrine based on economic growth, short-term-profit and externalization of social and ecological side effects. Our educational system prepares our children to form part of this culture. The transformation of our consumer culture towards a mindful society with a solidarity based economy can not be taught merely intellectual. The paradigm shift f...

Scientific paper • 2012


Relocation and social federalist against the relocation nationalist

By: Thierry Brugvin

From the introduction: Regulatory policy can develop relocated to reduce the carbon footprint and ecological footprint and various pollutants. Regulation relocated, also promotes economic and political autonomy, locality, region or country. Local economic development, social and environmental, must take into account the cultural identity, autonomy and basic needs according Preiswerk. Developme...

Presentation • 2012


Décroissance Montréal/Montreal Degrowth - Ohenton Karihwatehkwen - Mohawk Thanksgiving address/Mots de grâce

By: Geoffrey Garver

Décroissance Montréal/Montreal Degrowth - Ohenton Karihwatehkwen - Mohawk Thanksgiving address/Mots de grâce from Geoffrey Garver on Vimeo. Mohawk Thanksgiving address at the International Conference on Degrowth in the Americas in Montreal 2012. The Thanksgiving is first presented in the native language. The speaker then gives a translation and explanation. After the thanksgiving comes a...

Scientific paper • 2012


El descrecimiento en México

By: Miguel Valencia

No abstract available