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Showing 78 items

Scientific paper • 2024

Degrowth, global asymmetries, and ecosocial justice: Decolonial perspectives from Latin America

By: Miriam Lang

Degrowth literature predominantly states that degrowth strategies are meant from and for the Global North.While economic mainstream discourse suggests that the Global South still has to grow in terms of achievingdevelopment, degrowth proponents expect a reduction of material and energy throughput in the GlobalNorth to make ecological and conceptual space for the Global South to find its own pat...

Scientific paper • 2020


Unlearning: From Degrowth to Decolonization

By: Jamie Tyberg

In Unlearning: From Degrowth to Decolonization, Jamie Tyberg makes a timely intervention into the degrowth discussions, reorienting degrowth as a means to an end, that end being decolonization. Through the lens of the Green New Deal, and later the Red Deal, Tyberg ties together theory and real life examples highlighting how degrowth is, can, and must be, part of the post-COVID-19 response. Both...

• 2020


Triumph der Ungerechtigkeit: Wie wir Steueroasen und Steuerdumping beenden können

By: Sven Giegold, Gabriel Zucman, Catherine Olier

Mitschnitt der 36. Ausgabe von Europe Calling, dem europäischen Online-Diskussionsformat von Sven Giegold MdEP. Thema war am 27.2.2020: "Triumph der Ungerechtigkeit: Wie wir Steueroasen und Steuerdumping beenden können” mit Star-Ökonom und Autor Gabriel Zucman und EU-Steuerexpertin Catherine Olier. Moderation von Sven Giegold MEP. Recording of the 36th session of Europe Calling, the Europe...

Scientific paper • 2020


Editorial - Deep Restoration: from The Great Implosion to The Great Awakening

By: Barry Gills

In this short essay for Globalizations I wish to make some initial reflections in response to the present ‘triple conjuncture’ of global crises. This triple conjuncture is an interaction among three spheres or vectors of global crises, together constituting a crisis of capitalist world order. The three spheres of the global crisis are: climate change and ecological breakdown; a systemic crisis ...

Scientific paper • 2020


Growth in the docks: ports, metabolic flows and socio-environmental impacts

By: Borja Nogué-Algueró

Shipping carries virtually all internationally traded goods. Major commercial ports are fully integrated into transnational production and distribution systems, enabling the circulation of massive flows of energy and materials in the global economy. Port activity and development are usually associated with positive socio-economic effects, such as increased GDP and employment, but the indust...

Scientific paper • 2020


Ecological macroeconomics in the open economy: Sustainability, unequal exchange and policy coordination in a center-periphery model

By: Jeffrey Althouse, Guilio Guarini, Jose Gabriel Porcile

This article introduces a novel (environmental) interpretation of a “Keynesian coordination game” and develops four potential scenarios to remaining within a global carbon emissions constraint. With inspiration from research on “ecologically unequal exchange” (EUE), we demonstrate the drawbacks of present “green growth” strategies by considering how pollution- and resource-intensive industrie...

• 2020


Tourism, Degrowth, and the COVID-19 Crisis

By: Robert Fletcher, Asunción Blanco-Romero, Macià Blázquez-Salom, Ivan Murray Mas

The COVID-19 crisis shows what degrowth in the global tourism industry could look like. But it would need much more concerted planning to address the social impacts of this transition.

• 2019


Trade governance will make or break the Green New Deal. How the GND could, should, must redefine “protectionism” and transform international trade

By: Shaun Sellers

"A climate policy must change the way that the global economy works if it is to be successful, but if a policy is effective enough to disrupt global trade, it will violate global trade rules."

Scientific paper • 2019


Disarray in global governance and climate change chaos

By: George Martine, Jose Eustaquio Alves

Scientists warn that human activity in the Anthropocene is causing the transgression of several planetary boundaries. The population/environment/development equation has become insoluble. This paper reviews the trajectory of climate change and discusses the shortcomings of ongoing efforts to address it. It analyzes the current crisis in global governance, fostered by widespread disenchantment w...

• 2018


This is not an atlas: a global collection of counter-cartographies

By: kollektiv orangotango+

"Maps articulate statements that are shaped by social relations, discourses and practices, but these statements also influence them in turn. Hence, maps (and atlases) are always political. "In this interplay between facts and perception, the cartographer is both witness and actor. [...] In order to create, or, more accurately: to invent, "his worlds", he finally arrives at a subtle mixture of t...

• 2018


From degrowth to de-globalisation

By: Samuel Decker

Introduction: THE rise of far-right globalisation criticism requires a new role for the degrowth movement. ‘Progressive de-globalisation’ could be the counter-project that is urgently needed. After the German and Austrian elections, it becomes clear once more that the rise of the new far-right is not a temporary phenomenon. Neither the difficult Brexit negotiations nor the missteps of Donald T...

• 2017

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Digitalisierung - Das Labor der Träume und Alpträume

By: I.L.A. Kollektiv

Kapitel aus dem Buch "Auf Kosten Anderer? - Wie die imperiale Lebensweise ein gutes Leben für alle verhindert" vom I.L.A.Kollektiv. Einführung: Wer kennt ihn nicht? Den Drang ›online zu gehen‹, um Teil der digitalen Welt zu werden und nichts von dem zu verpassen, was dort vor sich geht. Heute ist jeder vierte Mensch auf der Welt bei Facebook registriert. Jeden Tag werden über 150 Millionen S...

• 2017


Mit Bildung die Welt verändern? Globales Lernen für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung

By: Oliver Emde, Uwe Jakubczyk, Bernd Kappes, Bernd Overwien

Beim Umbau unserer Gesellschaft in Richtung eines nachhaltigen Lebens kommt der transformativen Bildung eine Schlüsselrolle zu. Im Buch werden dazu folgende Fragen untersucht: Was genau kann Globales Lernen für soziale Transformationsprozessen leisten und was nicht? Welche Faktoren bestimmen die Schritte vom Wissen zum Handeln? Und wie verhält sich das Veränderungsinteresse der Bildungsakteure ...

• 2017

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Enough is as good as a feast: here’s how we can imagine a brighter food future

By: Christoph Rupprecht

Introduction: The World Economic Forum’s 2017 report on the future of food examines what the world’s food systems might look like in 2030. But none of the four future scenarios it presents is particularly attractive. To create a world where everyone can eat well without wrecking the planet, we need better ideas, a rich imagination and the right tools.

• 2017


Neben uns die Sintflut

By: Stephan Lessenich

Der Verlag: Wer zahlt den Preis für unseren Wohlstand? Der Soziologe Stephan Lessenich über das soziale Versagen unserer Weltordnung. Uns im Westen geht es gut, weil es den meisten Menschen anderswo schlecht geht. Wir lagern systematisch Armut und Ungerechtigkeit aus, im kleinen wie im großen Maßstab. Und wir alle verdrängen unseren Anteil an dieser Praxis. Der renommierte Soziologe Stephan Le...

Scientific paper • 2017


Beyond (anti)utilitarianism: khat and alternatives to growth in northern Madagascar

By: Lisa L. Gezon

Keywords: Madagascar, khat, utilitarian, degrowth, economy, urban

Presentation • 2016


What are the degrowth implications for long-distance trade?

By: Filka Sekulova

Speech by Filka Sekulova at the Degrowth Conference 2016 in Budapest

Presentation • 2016


WED_19h // Evening plenary - Capitalism and (de)growth

By: Susan Paulson, Daniel O'Neill, Jen Hinton

Panel discussion at the the 6th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Budapest in 2016. Speakers: Jen Hinton, Susan Paulson, Daniel O'Neill Degrowth 2016 - English youtube channel

Presentation • 2016


TUE_18h // Opening panel of the conference: Degrowth in semi-periphery context

By: Giorgos Kallis, Danijela Dolenec, Alexandra Köves, Zoltan Pogatsa

Panel discussion at the the 6th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity in Budapest in 2016. Speakers: Alexandra Köves, Zoltan Pogatsa, Danijela Dolenec, Giorgos Kallis Degrowth 2016 - English youtube channel

Scientific paper • 2016


Postwachstumsökonomie und Nachhaltige Entwicklung - Zwei (un)vereinbare Ideen?

By: Jürgen Kopfmüller, Linda Nierling, André Reichel, Marius Albiez

Herausgeber_innen: Insbesondere seit der Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise von 2008 haben wachstumskritische Initiativen und Publikationen erheblich an Zahl und öffentlicher Sichtbarkeit zugenommen. Sie positionieren sich dabei vielfach kritisch zu den seit rund 30 Jahren laufenden und in verschiedener Hinsicht etablierten Debatten und Politiken einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung. In diese...